Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Advertisements Are Our Current Society - 2264 Words
Advertisements are ubiquitous in our current society. From billboards near highways to commercials on TVs, they vary in many different ways. Some of them are simple and easy to understand, while others try to convey a plethora of information in the shortest amount of time possible. Despite their variations in forms and style, all advertisements are crafted with a common goal: to convince the audience of something. Many people believe that to convince someone of something, it requires factual evidence that logically leads them to a particular conclusion. In fact, in language, to prove something is true, sometimes it only requires the audience to believe in the speaker’s utterances. As a form of communication, advertisements often use this strategy to accomplish their goals. In a recent political commercial regarding gun rights, it attempts to convince the audience implicitly to not vote for Hillary Clinton in the Presidential Election in 2016, which entails the audience should vote for the alternative candidate, Donald Trump. Instead of providing factual evidence, the commercial manipulates both communicative and natural meaning of sentences to establish credibility and induce certain beliefs that force the audience to conclude not voting for Hillary Clinton and voting for Donald Trump. The commercial begins with a woman sleeping at night in her home. Suddenly, she heard the sound of an intruder. She quickly got out of bed and reached for the phone. Then, the speaker of theShow MoreRelatedTechnology And Social Media Of Our Generation1663 Words  | 7 PagesOur society is filled to the brim with visual images. Some more noticeable than others, yet they all impact our minds and thoughts differently even if the ideal is not visible on the surface. Gender, race, age, social class, etc., they all come into factor when affected by images of society. Although they are just images, current day society has learned to take pictures and warp them into anything th ey want to create. Some see these new advances of Photoshop and editing as a form of art, signifyingRead MoreThe Body Image Portrayed By Modern Day Fitness Advertisements978 Words  | 4 Pagesmodern day fitness advertisements is leading people to view themselves as a lesser person if they are not fit. Modern day fitness advertisements generally contain models that are either in very good shape or are very attractive. This is not done unintentionally. Advertisement companies know that many of the people who go to the gym don’t look like these models. The advertisers also know that people want to look like these models. That is why they place them in the advertisements. People at home seeRead MoreThe Marketing And Advertising Industry Essay1276 Words  | 6 PagesOne of the most popular and controversial topics in today’s society happens once every four years; I am of course talking about the presidential election. During the presidential election, candidates from their respected parties dump millions of dollars into advertising and marketing to their campaigns in order to touch the lives of millions of Americans in order to potentially gain the vote individuals. During the most recent election, Clinton and Trump combined to raise a total of over $200 MillionRead MoreMarketing Strategy Of Coca Cola1342 Words  | 6 PagesWhen thinking of what makes a successful advertisement, many would agree that the most successful brands adapt to the society and trends around them. Similar to everything else in our world, advertisements continue to change year after year and era after era. When thinking of common brands with impressive advertisements and campaigns, Coca-Cola is one that we are introduced to at a young age. Coke has been advertising their brand for over one hundred years. This brand continues to relate to manyRead MoreAdvertising And The Global Epidemic Of False Advertising854 Words  | 4 PagesAmericans have a television or th e most current news in there home, which contributes to society always wanting to be someone their not. On the contrary it is a great way to spread important news but consequently ads are showing the reality of how to promote stereotypes or have products we don’t need. As a consumer we get bombarded with ads for different services or products that just want to gain our dollar. The problem about the broadcast of advertisements is how it’s distributed. It transmitsRead MoreThe Stereotypes Of The American Man1156 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Growing up in America, we have been subjected to countless acts of gender stereotypes on television, newspapers, and advertisements. The American man is visualized as someone who is carefree, muscular, and lacks any type of emotion. This fantastik advertisement’s purpose is to challenge these stereotypes and makes us reevaluate the way we look at men and women. According to America’s standards, women are supposed to prepare meals for their family along with cleaning and other householdRead MoreAd Takeover. Jim Fowles’ Advertising’S Fifteen Basic Appeals1371 Words  | 6 Pagesfind it’s way into our minds.†In other words, Fowles is saying how advertisement works . The point that Fowles is making is important because something that has been around for years has made a major impact to society. The consumers have â€Å"unfulfilled urges and motives swirling in the bottom half of our minds.†This shows why Fowles is correct , it displays how advertisements have an emotional appeal to the consumers. I know this , let’s take a look on lingerie advertisements, Victoria’s Secret.Read MoreMedia s Effect On Teens986 Words  | 4 Pagesindustry generates approximately 600 billion dollars annually through its programming and advertisements. The economic system of the United States and tough market competition have led to a massive media boom, and being the largest industry in the United States in terms of revenue, The media have been successful in corrupting people’s mind, with young teens being the largest group of victims. In the current situation, our economic, social and political decisions are widely being influenced by the invisibleRead MoreThe Importance Of Childhood Obesity894 Words  | 4 PagesWith the exceptions of Quebec, Canada’s advertising policy is restricted to self-regulation with little monitoring in the intensity and frequency of unhealthy foods and beverages advertisem ents to children (Hawkes Harris, 2011, as cited in Hypertension Advisory Committee, 2013, p. 8). With this information, Canada’s current system of regulation fails to protect children from the toxic information broadcasted, which may contribute to the rising rates of childhood obesity. As suggested by Scully, DixonRead MoreThe Definition of Beauty Essay1145 Words  | 5 Pageswhat we should be. Because our own self-esteem is not enough, we rely on advertising to tell us what is beautiful and what is not. Whether we realize it or not, beauty is ultimately defined for us. Products are advertised all around us, telling us that something in our life is missing because we do not have a certain product in our possession. Ranging from make-up to plastic surgery, most of this advertising is geared toward women. This can be shown through the advertisements analyzed in this essay.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Deception Point Page 25 Free Essays
Sexton hung up, looking pleased with himself. â€Å"New Sexton fan?†Gabrielle asked. â€Å"They’re multiplying,†he said. We will write a custom essay sample on Deception Point Page 25 or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"This guy’s a heavy hitter.†â€Å"Must be. Meeting him in your apartment?†Sexton usually defended the sanctified privacy of his apartment like a lion protecting its only remaining hiding place. Sexton shrugged. â€Å"Yeah. Thought I’d give him the personal touch. This guy might have some pull in the home stretch. Got to keep making those personal connections, you know. It’s all about trust.†Gabrielle nodded, pulling out Sexton’s daily planner. â€Å"You want me to put him in your calendar?†â€Å"No need. I’d planned to take a night at home anyway.†Gabrielle found tonight’s page and noticed it was already shaded out in Sexton’s handwriting with the bold letters â€Å"P.E.†-Sexton shorthand for either personal event, private evening, or piss-off everyone; nobody was quite sure which. From time to time, the senator scheduled himself a â€Å"P.E.†night so he could hole up in his apartment, take his phones off the hook, and do what he enjoyed most-sip brandy with old cronies and pretend he’d forgotten about politics for the evening. Gabrielle gave him a surprised look. â€Å"So you’re actually letting business intrude on prescheduled P.E. time? I’m impressed.†â€Å"This guy happened to catch me on a night when I’ve got some time. I’ll talk to him for a little while. See what he has to say.†Gabrielle wanted to ask who this mystery caller was, but Sexton clearly was being intentionally vague. Gabrielle had learned when not to pry. As they turned off the beltway and headed back toward Sexton’s office building, Gabrielle glanced down again at the P.E. time blocked out in Sexton’s planner and had the strange sensation Sexton knew this call was coming. 27 The ice at the center of the NASA habisphere was dominated by an eighteen-foot tripod structure of composite scaffolding, which looked like a cross between an oil rig and an awkward model of the Eiffel Tower. Rachel studied the device, unable to fathom how it could be used to extract the enormous meteorite. Beneath the tower, several winches had been screwed into steel plates affixed to the ice with heavy bolts. Threaded through the winches, iron cables banked upward over a series of pulleys atop the tower. From there, the cables plunged vertically downward into narrow bore holes drilled in the ice. Several large NASA men took turns tightening the winches. With each new tightening, the cables slithered a few inches upward through the bore holes, as if the men were raising an anchor. I’m clearly missing something, Rachel thought, as she and the others moved closer to the extraction site. The men seemed to be hoisting the meteorite directly through the ice. â€Å"EVEN TENSION! DAMN IT!†a woman’s voice screamed nearby, with all the grace of a chain saw. Rachel looked over to see a small woman in a bright yellow snowsuit smeared with grease. She had her back to Rachel, but even so, Rachel had no trouble guessing that she was in charge of this operation. Making notations on a clipboard, the woman stalked back and forth like a disgusted drillmaster. â€Å"Don’t tell me you ladies are tired!†Corky called out, â€Å"Hey, Norah, quit bossing those poor NASA boys and come flirt with me.†The woman did not even turn around. â€Å"Is that you, Marlinson? I’d know that weenie little voice anywhere. Come back when you reach puberty.†Corky turned to Rachel. â€Å"Norah keeps us warm with her charm.†â€Å"I heard that, space boy,†Dr. Mangor fired back, still making notes. â€Å"And if you’re checking out my ass, these snow pants add thirty pounds.†â€Å"No worries,†Corky called. â€Å"It’s not your woolly-mammoth butt that drives me wild, it’s your winning personality.†â€Å"Bite me.†Corky laughed again. â€Å"I have great news, Norah. Looks like you’re not the only woman the President recruited.†â€Å"No shit. He recruited you.†Tolland took over. â€Å"Norah? Have you got a minute to meet someone?†At the sound of Tolland’s voice, Norah immediately stopped what she was doing and turned around. Her hardened demeanor dissolved instantly. â€Å"Mike!†She rushed over, beaming. â€Å"Haven’t seen you in a few hours.†â€Å"I’ve been editing the documentary.†â€Å"How’s my segment?†â€Å"You look brilliant and lovely.†â€Å"He used special effects,†Corky said. Norah ignored the remark, glancing now at Rachel with a polite but standoffish smile. She looked back at Tolland. â€Å"I hope you’re not cheating on me, Mike.†Tolland’s rugged face flushed slightly as he made introductions. â€Å"Norah, I’d like you to meet Rachel Sexton. Ms. Sexton works in the intelligence community and is here at the request of the President. Her father is Senator Sedgewick Sexton.†The introduction brought a confused look to Norah’s face. â€Å"I won’t even pretend to understand that one.†Norah did not remove her gloves as she gave Rachel’s hand a half-hearted shake. â€Å"Welcome to the top of the world.†Rachel smiled. â€Å"Thanks.†She was surprised to see that Norah Mangor, despite the toughness of her voice, had a pleasant and impish countenance. Her pixie haircut was brown with streaks of gray, and her eyes were keen and sharp-two ice crystals. There was a steely confidence about her that Rachel liked. â€Å"Norah,†Tolland said. â€Å"Have you got a minute to share what you’re doing with Rachel?†Norah arched her eyebrows. â€Å"You two on a first-name basis already? My, my.†Corky groaned. â€Å"I told you, Mike.†Norah Mangor showed Rachel around the base of the tower while Tolland and the others trailed behind, talking among themselves. â€Å"See those boreholes in the ice under the tripod?†Norah asked, pointing, her initial put-out tone softening now to one of rapt fervor for her work. Rachel nodded, gazing down at the holes in the ice. Each was about a foot in diameter and had a steel cable inserted into it. â€Å"Those holes are left over from when we drilled core samples and took X rays of the meteorite. Now we’re using them as entry points to lower heavy-duty screw eyes down the empty shafts and screw them into the meteorite. After that, we dropped a couple hundred feet of braided cable down each hole, snagged the screw eyes with industrial hooks, and now we’re simply winching it up. It’s taking these ladies several hours to get it to the surface, but it’s coming.†â€Å"I’m not sure I follow,†Rachel said. â€Å"The meteorite is under thousands of tons of ice. How are you lifting it?†Norah pointed to the top of the scaffolding where a narrow beam of pristine red light shone vertically downward toward the ice beneath the tripod. Rachel had seen it earlier and assumed it was simply some sort of visual indicator-a pointer demarking the spot where the object was buried. â€Å"That’s a gallium arsenide semiconductor laser,†Norah said. Rachel looked more closely at the beam of light and now saw that it had actually melted a tiny hole in the ice and shone down into the depths. â€Å"Very hot beam,†Norah said. â€Å"We’re heating the meteorite as we lift.†When Rachel grasped the simple brilliance of the woman’s plan, she was impressed. Norah had simply aimed the laser beam downward, melting through the ice until the beam hit the meteorite. The stone, being too dense to be melted by a laser, began absorbing the laser’s heat, eventually getting warm enough to melt the ice around it. As the NASA men hoisted the hot meteorite, the heated rock, combined with the upward pressure, melted the surrounding ice, clearing a pathway to raise it to the surface. The melt water accumulating over the meteorite simply seeped back down around the edges of the stone to refill the shaft. How to cite Deception Point Page 25, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Performance Benchmarking of Business Regulation
Question: Discuss about the Performance Benchmarking of Business Regulation. Answer: Introduction: Wesfarmers was founded in June 1914 as a cooperative for farmers. Currently, it is the key provider of jobs in Australia and listed on the countrys stock exchange. Western Australia hosts the headquarter of the company. It has four hundred and fifty thousand shareholders with a minimum of two hundred thousand employees. the operation in numerous differing organizations including retailing, protection, mechanical, vitality and around thirty-three popular brands crosswise over Australia and New Zealand that the greatest test confronting Wesfarmers and in this manner I think you could state most organizations, especially in Western Australia, is pulling in, creating and holding ability (Wesfarmers 100: 100 Years - Thousands of Stories, 2014). A workplace with diversity and equality can give an upper hand to pulling in ability over different organizations. Wesfarmers PESTEL analysis This type of analysis seeks to explore the following factors; Political factors, environmental factors, social, technological, economical and legislative factors. The industry which Wesfarmers deals with brings up the attention of government, NGOs and also lobby groups. Some of the political factors include; Harmonization of foreign products to ensure competition Subsidies provision by government to local producers. The economic factors affecting Wesfarmers include; Change of rates of currency Takeovers and acquisitions Competition from other players Market fluctuation based on seasons The social factors: The living standards of population in Australia keep changing due to the fact that the customer preferences and tastes keep changing. They no longer need junk food rather they prefer fresh farm products as a requirement for a good health life. Therefore Wesfarmers ensures that they meet this customer requirement. Technological factors. The utilization of internet has enabled Wesfarmers to cheaply advertise its products and maintain its customer base .They have also witnessed the increase in sales over the years. Environmental factors: Wesfarmers are obliged to ensure that they ensure the sustainability of the environment they operate in.Therefore every year they set targets to minimize the emission of greenhouse gases. Legal factors: Wesfarmers may be faced by legal factors. These include; Change of laws governing the industry Change in Tax laws Introduction of a lot of restrictive business laws The existence of uncertainty currently has been accelerated by dynamic financial markets over a few months ago. As Wesfarmers depending on customers for many years, the dynamic change will affect what their customers spend, frequency of going for shopping and the products that they buy. Therefore, there are critical business issues that are related to the operation of Wesfarmers Company. They include; Employee relationship in Workplace. The industrial relations structure ought to be checked on. The job providers and employees must have balanced relations so that work place is a user-friendly environment. The current issue that Wesfarmers is on the look out to defend, is the approval of their latest store team agreement after their team member highly boosted its support. The importance of this agreement is that it fosters simplicity and flexibility in their businesses by combining a total of six agreements into just one. It also entails salary increase of 0.3, whereby it is higher than the average salary rise of 0.2 to 0.225 that currently exist in the market. The agreement also provides for the increase of wages to young members so that it closely break even with older employee rate. Added benefits that do not exist in the current retail industry along with support to families and those involved in domestic violence have also been included in the agreement. The negotiation of this agreement lasted for about seven mo nths with forty individuals and representatives from various unions. It was later approved by the fair work commission in twenty fifteen (Samson, Daft, Ananthram, 2011). Most members who work at Wesfarmers have a right to state their complaints on work place conditions. However, there is the right time to raise these grievances so that they can be addressed before implementation of the agreement. The regulatory environment Over the past years, there have been many regulatory advances that impact how Wesfarmers runs its business and such regulations frustrate productivity.Wesfarmers has a task of dealing with almost a hundred bodies both federal a state in trying to negotiate these regulations which are a management issue of its own. For instance, there are some state rules that limit carrying of foodstuffs between specific zone e.g. honey made in Western Australia is only consumed in that region alone.Moreso, the rice produced in the district of Riverina is only sold in that district only. To add on that, the hours of business across different territories and states also vary. As we can see that most Wesfarmers stores in Queensland remain closed on Sundays. The state of South Australia has eleven days yearly of closure and this is a critical issue for the operation of Wesfarmers. The issue of competition Policy. The review of the federal government on new policies on competition, brings an amount of uncertainty to the decision making done by businesses like Wesfarmers in the country. This is against the existing business norms practiced in the world that it is healthy for businesses to compete (Performance benchmarking of Australian business regulation, 2016). Therefore, consulting everyday on new laws may constrain the operation of the business. The reason behind policy review is because the existing one, cannot surpass cases about anti-competitive conduct. It also seeks to screen quick and legitimate competitive behavior of businesses .This will not be sensible as it will be like prohibiting a growing business with excellent products going at lower prices and claiming that this is not right (Samson, Daft, Ananthram, 2011).Therefore they should come up with a regulation that is healthy for the competition for all the businesses. Wesfarmers eight years ago, the cost of goods were changing depending on the state and territory .The reason for this change of prices was because the transport cost of food to regional areas was high. Despite of this, the company decided to put the customers at the forefront i.e. serving all customers equally despite their locations in various states in Western Australia. The company therefore introduced a uniform state pricing to ensure consistency of prices in store outlets. As per this decision, some competitors might defend themselves that because they cannot give similar prices to their customers is maybe unfair. But in the real sense it is not fair to hike prices for customers in rural regions. It is therefore reasonable to focus on the critical issue of building confidence and allowing more startups in the country so that employment and economic growth can be fostered. The legal fraternity should also play their role in provide better consulting to entrepreneurs so that they can understand the impact of new policies to Wesfarmers and its competitors. This will ensure the decision done by the companies is beneficial to the company rather than becoming a loss a result of misguided advice on current policies implemented by the federal states. Therefore, the cheap idea of setting a business brings about a new level of competition. It is possible to find a reputable business going after each new product one offers and concentrate towards becoming an authority on a specific thing. It is important since it will be more profitable since the clients will be given a quality product or service Ecological Impact Reusing is quickly turning into a typical practice in many Australian organizations as business pioneers understand the effect their conduct has on worldwide ecological issues. You might be tested to fuse effective reusing programs since they might be cost-restrictive or recently badly designed. Vitality sparing gadgets, for example, minimized bright lights make an imprint in world vitality utilization, however they may not be feasible for your office. Challenges proliferate for engineers hoping to construct new processing plants or office space. Sustenance, vitality and transportation organizations all face ecological weights to utilize less common assets and offer items made with recyclable materials. In order to take part in conservation of environment, Wesfarmers have come up with programs of recycling waste their waste and putting them into other products that are important to their customers Innovation and Communication One of the greatest difficulties that Wesfarmers faced back in the days was confronting all inclusive collection of information within the companys branches due to incompatibility of technologies used in various countries it operates. But after sometime they had to invest in newest technology after a given period of time (Hunt, 2015). Hence it is very favorable and profitable for a company to eliminate divergent frameworks that can't speak with each other, as the accounting gets impeded, and the daily operations might also slow down or even stop. Being able to Access to main data could be traded off technological systems are centralized. This will also make the owners to make use of outside staff information instead of utilizing one central data server if you are making use of incompatible technology maintain your business international sales will have to be affected in terms of efficiency. Conclusion Interest in human, physical and scholarly capital permits us to do things speedier, better and all the more efficiently. This is what truly matters to efficiency. On the off chance that we truly concentrate on profitability development we will be better put to accomplish the national financial yield that guarantees we are the envy of our rival countries. Also, as a private company, you work as per a given level within worldwide economy, including future financial can impact the way one works in a group. As the world faces ecological problems ones background gets impacted. External competition makes changes to nearby competition and becomes the entrepreneurs headache. (Heath, Palenchar, 2009). For assuring ones suitability within the international business, it is imperative to put into account the challenges and how to deal with, so that you can make way to running the stable business. References A, F., A, H., Z, C. (2013). Introduction to corporate finance (1st ed., pp. 40-80). Pearson Higher education,Australia. Corporate challenges. (2005) (1st ed.). Champaign, Ill. Heath, R., Palenchar, M. (2009). Strategic issues management (1st ed., pp. 70-90). Melborne: Sage Publications. Hoover, G. (2012). Hoover's Handbook of World Business (10th ed., pp. 6-20). Michigan: University of Michigan. Hunt, G. (2015). MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES FOR SURVIVAL. Management Development Review, 5(6), 3-6. https://dx.doi.org/10.1108/eum0000000000708 Kalter, E. (2003). australia (1st ed., pp. 5-9). Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund. Performance benchmarking of Australian business regulation. (2016) (1st ed.). Melbourne. Samson, D., Daft, R., Ananthram, S. (2011). Management 100 (1st ed., pp. 45-90). South Melbourne: Cengage Learning. Shiva Ramu, S. (2000). Corporate crisis management (1st ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Smith, D. (2013). Western Australia. Children Australia, 15(02), 63-64. https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1035077200002832 Stanley, G. (2012). Managing external issues (1st ed.). Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press. Wesfarmers 100: 100 Years - Thousands of Stories. (2014) (1st ed.). Managerial Decision Making in International Business Journal of World Business Special Issue. (2007). Journal Of World Business, 42(4), 520-521. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jwb.2007.10.006 Brown, A. (2014). Challenges to Business Excellence: Some Empirical Evidence. Nang Yan Business Journal, 1(1). https://dx.doi.org/10.2478/nybj-2014-0011
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Skype A Huge Advancement in Communication Systems
Introduction Skype can be considered a significant advancement in information technologies because it offers a number of efficient communication devices promoting interaction between people (Skype, 2012).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Skype: A Huge Advancement in Communication Systems specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The software has a number of useful functions ensuring successful information exchange, including video calling, conference calling, calling from ordinary phones and calling from Skype to telephones (Skype, 2012). Instant messages are also possible and, people can communicate freely regardless of the distance and location. What is more important is that Skype allows communicating with friends and relatives for free. Background The emergence and development of Skype dates back to 2003 when Janus Friss and Niklas Zennstrom founded the communication system (Mohr et al., 2009). At the end of 2005, Skyp e was purchased by eBay for assisting the company to increase the number of users, as well as extend its revenues (Mohr et al., 2009). Three years later, about 276 million users all over the world communicated via Skype using free video and voice calls. However, the software owners were not satisfied with the number of registered users because of poor revenues received from the service. Main Discussion Potential Benefits Zennstrom and Friss’s invention introduces voice communication of exceptional quality to any user having Internet connection all over the world. Easy download and installing is among the main benefits of the Skype software. Other than that, the program ensures free video and conference calls online. The software services also offer low-cost connectivity to mobile and ordinary telephones. In addition, Skype also provides a variety of features, including instant messaging, voicemail, and call forwarding.Advertising Looking for essay on communications medi a? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Apart from these functions, the Skype has gained popularity and leadership in almost every country. According to the software founders, â€Å"†¦vision for Skype has always been to build the world’s largest communications business and revolutionize the ease with which people can communication through the Internet†(Furrer, 2010, p. 66). The program, therefore, is a good media platform which manages to fulfill the needs of registered users. Legal and ethical issues EBay, as the current owner of the Skype service, can face serious legal issues leading to the termination of service in future, despite the fact that the company’s officials reject to the possible closure of the software. Specific attention requires the licensing agreement between eBay and Joltid (Randomus, 2009). According to eBay officials were accused by Joltid for violating the agreement. The representatives of EBay Company put similar counterclaims against Joltid. In 2009, the Skype producers started developing popular video and audio services and they were eligible for launching the service in case the licensing agreement was not concluded (Randomus, 2009). Due to the fact that introducing a new software product is quite time consuming and costly, cooperation with Joltid could significantly forward the introduction. The conflict between two companies eventually prevented eBay developers from fostering their product, despite the fact of possessing over 480 million registered users.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Skype: A Huge Advancement in Communication Systems specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, the Skype producers are concerned with their position because they should introduce the product before the decline in consumer demand. Skype producers have no doubts concerning the legality and ethically of their actions, but still there is a possibility of facing negative consequences because of the failure to negotiate with Joltid officials. The point is that Skype initiated the development of alternative software licensed through Joltid. The software can fail as a result the loss of functionality and, therefore, there is a potential threat to lose consumers. Security Concerns The Skype, as a vast VOIP setting, is under the strict focus in terms of security. In particular, the possibility for all people to interact via Skype does not guarantee safety because many of conversations and calls can be carried out for different purposes. According to Svensson (2006), the Skype company is able to introduce 256 but encrypt keys, which are extremely difficult to crack. The encryptions are processed on credit cart numbers during transactions. Although there are certain aspects of the software to be considered in terms of security, Skype continues improving security of communication and information exchange. While talking about Skype as a world-known online social network, it is hard to consider the issues of privacy and security because the software is primarily oriented on the possibility of communicating and making calls from all over the world and, therefore, there are not actual restrictions imposed on performing such a function.Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The most problematic issue about Skype is the possibility of seeing still images without the consent of the recipient (Rogerson, 2008). Once captured, the recipient can experience unlikely endeavors of other users to disturb and manipulate information (Rogerson, 2008). The vulnerability of Skype users is under greater threat due to the risk of using information in unsafe and questionable ways. Despite the potential challenges, there is a still a chance to protect users from possible interruptions. The security is ensured by the possibility for users to either portray or hide their profiles for people they want to talk to. The Skype also allows users to add some personal information, including gender, date-of-birth, location, and some interesting facts (Rogerson, 2008). Details about social interests and hobbies, as well as sporting interests, are also possible to fill out in a user’s profile. However, the users may leave these spaces unfilled to protect themselves from privac y interventions. Social Problems Certainly, the variety of function offered by the Skype producers allows customers to put away their cell phones. As a result, the software can become a potential rival to the producers of telephone communications and technology (Furrer, 2010). However, the Skype also introduces relatively new services that had never been practiced before. In particular, the software is better known as the most effective one in computer-to-computer communications (Furrer, 2010). Unfortunately, some of the functions offered by Skype are not always beneficial in terms of interaction and confidentiality. This is of particular concern to the information represented in a user’s profile. Further Research It has been discovered that Skype has been sufficiently considered in regards to its cost-effectiveness and usability. It has a number of unique functions that other programs never had. However, little research has been done on social value of the VoIP, as well as h ow it influences various spheres of social and cultural life. This is of particular concern to educational field since it can significantly benefit from using online communication, especially video calls and conferences. Conclusion Skype is considered as the most popular social network and communication technology offering a variety of opportunities for online users. Possibility to make video calls and creating conferences is a unique function that users all over the world may take advantage of. Despite the legal and ethical concerns, the Skype still operates in many countries because other related social networks have similar concerns as well. References Furrer, O. (2010). Corporate Level Strategy: Theory and Applications. US: Taylor Francis. Mohr, J.J., Sengupta, S., Slater S.F. (2009). Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations. US: Jakki Mohr. Randomus. (2009). Skype Faces Legal Issues; Possible Closure, Myce. Web. Rogerson, S. (2008). VoIP Ethics. ETHIcol in the IM IS Journal. 18(2). Web. Skype (2012). Skype Explained. Web. Svensson, P. (2006). Skype Innovation and Security. Legal and Ethical Issues with the Internet. Web. This essay on Skype: A Huge Advancement in Communication Systems was written and submitted by user Brisa Middleton to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The case of Jones v Padavatton Essay Example
The case of Jones v Padavatton Essay Example The case of Jones v Padavatton Essay The case of Jones v Padavatton Essay Essay Topic: Law The case of Jones v Padavatton concerned whether or not a legally enforceable contract existed between the parties, in this case a mother and daughter. The judgements of Salmon LJ and Fenton Atkinson LJ, although reaching the same conclusion have very different reasoning. Salmon LJ considered that two main factors needed to be addressed; whether or not the parties had intended a legally binding contract, and whether the terms of the contract were sufficient to be legally enforceable. The English law operates generally on an objective approach based on what a reasonable person in the position of the parties would have intended. Salmon LJ follows this approach in his judgement, stating it is a presumption of fact that when arrangements are made between family members, they are not intended to create a legal relationship but are rather based on mutual ties of trust and affection. This presumption was established by Atkins LJ in his explanation of the case Balfour v Balfour and is cited by Salmon LJ, however he does go on to accept that in some circumstances just because a, Contracting party is unlikely to extend his pound of flesh does not mean he has no legal right to. I consider that the principle illustrated by Balfour v Balfour, although fundamental for many cases, may not be so relevant considering the circumstances of this case. In a society of increased domestic disruption, illustrated through statistics such as rising divorce rates, it is very arguable that family arrangements are becoming more likely to be intended as legally enforceable. In considering the very special circumstances of this case, I consider it is possible to distinguish it from that of Balfour v Balfour and rather follow the approach of Fenton Atkinson LJ, studying the specific intention of the parties rather than the presumption derived from the case of Balfour v Balfour. Salmon LJ considers the second factor to be addressed is whether the terms of the agreement were sufficient enough to be legally enforceable. He considers the intentions of the daughter were clear- to leave Washington and study for the Bar in England, but did not consider the mother would have intended to give up all her rights concerning the house. The arrangements were too vague to have contractual intent. Similarly there is no evidence that the mother ever intended her daughter to receive any more than $200 in West-Indian terms, a month maintenance support. On this point I agree with Salmon. In English law, if the terms of an offer are not certain, the resulting agreement can fail. I do not consider that the terms were certain enough to ensure a legally binding contract, and here agree with the explanation from Fenton Atkinson LJ, that the responsibility was for the daughter to establish a contract in relation to the house and she totally failed to do so. Salmon LJ considered alongside this, that the terns of the offer could not possibly exceed five years from 1962 considering all circumstances of the case, and thus the daughter was entitled to nothing further under the original agreement Salmon LJ concluded his judgement by addressing the counterclaim referred to by the CCJ, and states that a reasonable compromise should be reached on the figures, so as not to exacerbate ill feeling between parties. This view in considered too by Fenton Atkinson LJ. Fenton Atkinson LJ addresses the issues of consideration and intention in his judgement; issues which I have to consider are far more relevant to the specifics of this case. He addresses several points in his judgement, firstly whether the agreements made between the parties were intended to be legally enforceable, secondly did the mother intend to be legally bound to support her daughter for an uncertain period of time, and thirdly did the daughter assume a contractual obligation to complete her studies. Fenton Atkinson LJ concludes that consideration was given by the daughter in the form of executed consideration, evident through her move from Washington to London, but does not consider that here consideration can determine whether the parties intended a legally binding contract. The courts generally apply an objective approach when studying intention, however I agree with Collins, who states that this objective approach conflicts with reality. Fenton Atkinson LJ, following this approach, states that it is the history of this case which most accurately points to the intentions of the parties, and highlights three important factors. Firstly, that the payments of $200 were accepted by the daughter without any indication that the mother was contractually bound to a larger sum, secondly, that when in 1964 The mother bought the property, many matters had been left open, such as the control of rents, and occupation boundaries. The final factor highlighted, and which I consider to be of huge significance, is the behaviour of the daughter when her mother visited. The daughter was evidently extremely upset that the issue had become litigated, and stated that a mother does not normally sue her daughter. This is perhaps the strongest indication that the daughter had never intended legal consequences to arise from the agreement. Fenton Atkinson LJ was satisfied that no legally binding contract had been intended, and the arrangements had been based on mutual trust. He held that the mothers claim for possession should succeed, and the appeal allowed. Although Salmon LJ and Fenton Atkinson LJ reached the same final judgement, I do not consider that the reasoning of Salmon was as relevant to this case as that of Fenton Atkinson LJ. As I have mentioned above, the objective approach applied by Salmon LJ cannot be applied in every case and may in fact be becoming outdated. The approach adopted by Fenton Atkinson LJ must be considered more appropriate for the very special circumstances of this case, and I agree that the intention of the parties was best determined through the behavioural history of the mother and her daughter rather than the judgement of Balfour v Balfour. I do not deny that the reasoning of Salmon LJ is that which the majority would be likely to adopt, and agree with many other factors he addresses, such as the judgement of reasonable time not exceeding five years. I cannot however conclude that his reasoning is of such relevance to this case, as that of Fenton Atkinson LJ.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Assessment of the Connection between Unlawful Acts and Genetic Make-Up
Assessment of the Connection between Unlawful Acts and Genetic Make-Up It is argued that violent criminal behaviors are the unfortunate results of genetic transmissions of mental and psychological problems from one generation to another. Research in neurochemistry and advanced technology has supported this notion by indicating that various violent behaviors and emotional disorders result from disruption of the normal activity of the brain. The disruption of the normal activities of the brain, results from altered gene and various environmental factors that lead to violent behaviors. Despite the claims that have often been made, humans do not have an instinct to kill nor a special aversion to it. Instead, as this paper maintains, the propensity to kill results from a subpersonal level due to genetics. Each one of us is a product of genetics, the predisposition of nongenetic constitutional proclivities and aversions, of motives and compromises determined by our interpersonal and somatic experiences. Research showing a family connection to criminality often attracts extensive media attention. The news coverage of research on a Dutch family found to have had a genetic mutation that seemed to predispose its males to aggressive behavior sounded like reports of pathological families in the early part of the century. Although journalists will consistently quantify, showing that family patterns do not settle the debate over root causes, they tend to promote the theories of scientists who believe that genetic predisposition is an underlying basis of violent behavior. Research guided by Charles Darwin’s (1809-1882) theory of evolution, hypothesized that aggression associated with violent behaviors, like most forms of aggressive behaviors, an innate characteristic of the human species. Darwin believed that at any particular point, the features of every life form, from the smallest microbe to the largest mammal which includes human beings are the result of changes brought about over several generations through a process of â€Å"natural selection (Wright, 2014)..†Natural selection happens because, in every species, there is a genetically influenced variability among people in terms of behavior and appearance. People whose inherited characteristics help them in adapting their environment through eluding predators, withstanding the elements, and finding food and water are the most likely to survive and mate successfully procreate and mate, thus passing on their genetic heritage to the next generation. The genes of those without adaptive characteristics are more likely to die out along with unfortunate individuals who carried them. While considering the evolutionary roots of crime, psychologists have maintained that people have inherited genetic propensities for aggression from early ancestors and that violent behaviors have helped human species in adapting and surviving during thousands of years of changing environmental demands. Others have maintained that the aggression is adaptive even today, still required in making sure that human species survive. Evolutionary theories note that all through the history of mankind, males have been more active compared to a female individual in terms of survival associated activities like hunting for food, finding and fighting for mates, and protecting close relatives and territory. So, it does not come as a surprise that compared to females, human males, are considered more aggressive and still retain the physical as well as hormonal features essential in displaying aggression. These aggression-related features have survived because they have been seen to work out. The book by Barabara Oakley â€Å"Evil Genes: Why Rome Fell, Hitler Rose, Enron Failed, and My Sister Stole My Mother’s Boyfriend†provides explanations on the impact of genetics in our neurobiology and the way in which genes have effects on peoples habits towards sociopathy and selfishness. The argument that the author brings forward proposes that some people may be inclined to take advantage of others or be â€Å"born bad†due to personality disorders that were present during birth. Even though the Y chromosome theory, was for the most part media hype, research on the genetic influence of chromosomes is promising. Since males only have a single x chromosome, in any case, that chromosome is a mutated gene, men tend to be stuck with dysfunctional copy, while women have a backup copy safeguarding against this problem. The MAOA gene, found in the x chromosome is said to result in aggressive behavior in cases of abnormal versions of the gene (Baum, 2013). The protein in the MAOA assists the body in metabolizing and taking control of the chemical messenger known as neurotransmitters. For the people who cannot make the MAOA protein, they are exposed to the suffrage of borderline intellectual disability, the lack of impulse control, violent behavior and aggression. Often, human beings can inherit some form of a gene that is less effective in producing the MAOA protein hand has been associated with violence. For instance, a recent study discovered that a variant of the MAOA gene that is less effective in producing proteins leads to increased possibility of violent behaviors, but this only happens when the person has undergone childhood abuse or maltreatment. And even though still in their childhood stages as a legal defense, genetic influences are currently being introduced as mitigating circumstances in cases involving murder, with different outcomes. An example is the case of a convicted murderer Abdelmalek Bayout, who stabbed and killed a man and had his sentence reduced in court because he had a low-activity MAOA gene (Farisco, Petrini, 2012). He had his sentence reduced from 12 to 9 years, even though he was still considered responsible for the behaviors he committed, the mitigating circumstance of having an aggressive gene was important during the sentencing. Therefore, genes have a connection with antisocial behavior and empathy, but these featuring characteristics relate to the environment. The DNA of some people may make them look for dangerously exciting environments, which results in the reinforcement of the genetic effects. Genes alone, however, do not determine behavior, but instead, it is a combination of genetics and life events and circumstances that might contribute to violent behavior. Genes are often used in explaining frequent and troubling contradictions of violent behaviors. Why do some people, despite extreme challenging childhood experiences, become productive, even celebrated members of society, while others who had every advantage and opportunity, turn out badly? Based on the literature review above, it can be concluded that genetic contributes to violent behaviors at an approximate rate of fifty percent. On the other hand, environmental factors also account for the other fifty percent of the unexplained cases involving violent behavior. Acts of murder, rape, serial killings and destruction caused on people; family violence, gangs wars; and even terrorist activities are examples of violence that arise from intergroup rivalry, from the need to have a higher status to striking fear in others. Currently, the age-old habit of human beings to divide into status-differentiated groups like victors and vanquished or interpersonal violence continue to lead others to believe that in an era of weapons of mass destruction, the same genetically influenced behaviors that have long ensured the survival of human species will eventually lead to its demise.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Google Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Google - Assignment Example Google has grown to attract large numbers of users who access the internet daily. The company has been selling text based ads that incorporates search keywords. This has been one of their largest income earners over the past decade. (Google Incorporation, 2014). Larry and Brin obtained their first capital in form of a donation from Andy Bechtolsheim, A Partner at Sun Microsystems. Google has over the past years gained a large pool of capital. Selling its first shares in 2004 where 19,605,052 shares were sold at $85 per share. Google is now operating in different countries of the world and worked with many corporations such as NASA, AOL, and News Corp’s. Google has become part of the largest providers of social media platforms. In corporation with mobile companies, it created the Mobi. top level. This is an area for mobile internet that allows mobile users to access the internet through their phones for quick communication. Most of the scholars have come up with lots of work done on business strategy but most of them have not withstood the test of time. Many people are well familiar with Mintzberg and Water’s strategy of 1985. Mintzberg is one of the best strategic thinkers. In collaboration with James Waters they both developed a model that showed how strategy is developed and how it is ultimately delivered. In their model, strategy delivery is made up of two sides. The deliberate strategy which includes what the organization desires to do and the emergent strategy which indicates what happened during the process (Mintzberg, 2010). The model looks like this; Google incorporation has been one of the company’s in the world that is utilizing this model in connecting up with entrepreneurs and coming up with the latest inventories in the world of technology in order to meet their customers’ demands. Google being one the most important and the largest search engines in the world must ensure that combines with the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Luggers versus the Butchers Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
The Luggers versus the Butchers - Case Study Example dy clearly perform entirely different types of tasks but this does not mean that they should also be treated in a contrasting or a conflicting manner by those armed with managerial responsibilities. The managers at FMC tended to behave very strictly with the butchers but had close affiliation with the luggers on the other hand. The butchers were overworked and the luggers were not in anyone’s control. Such negative workplace attitudes reflect issues of inequity and injustice and research stresses that â€Å"organizational peace, communication and justice perception are very important factors in order to be successful†(Ince & Gul, 2011, p. 106). When employees are not treated equally and their concerns are not heard, they start losing their confidence and develop low self-esteems (Katcher & Snyder, 2007, p. ix; Ganster & Schaubroeck, 1991). That is why the unhappy butchers developed deep feelings of hatred and resentment for the management. â€Å"Organizations can avoi d having unhappy employees by successfully addressing their concerns†(Katcher, 2006). Organizational commitment is a valuable tool to mention here for the managers as a way of addressing the issues at FMC. This refers to the â€Å"relative strength of an individual’s identiï ¬ cation and involvement in a particular organization†(Steers, cited in Paik, Parboteeah, & Shim, 2007, p. 1770; Mowday, Porter, & Steers, 1982, p. 27) and it is widely believed that the more organizational commitment an employee has, the less are the chances of him/her leaving the organization. â€Å"Organizational commitment is cognitive assessment that reflects characteristics of the work environment†(Gelade, Dobson, & Gilbert, 2006, p. 543) which implies that the butchers had low commitment because the work environment in itself was degrading, unfair, and discriminatory. An employee’s commitment to the organization also related to the factor of leadership behaviors (Mathieu & Zajac, 1990, p. 171) which were especially low
Saturday, November 16, 2019
How to Write a Poem About Lacrosse Essay Example for Free
How to Write a Poem About Lacrosse Essay The general purpose of this speech is to demonstrate. The specific purpose is to show how to shoot a lacrosse ball, catch a lacrosse ball and cradle the lacrosse ball. I am going to show you the proper way to shoot the ball, the right way to catch the ball and the correct way cradle the ball. Everyone chill-lax, i’m going to tell you about lax. I am the best person to give this speech because I have played lacrosse almost all my life and I am very good at it. This demonstration will be useful to you because if you ever want to try lacrosse, you will know some of the basics. The first part of lacrosse I am going to tell you about is how to shoot the ball. There are three main points on how to shoot the lax ball. The first is to keep your elbows and hands out and away because you can get more power on the ball. Also it helps you aim the ball more precisely and hit the corners of the goal. Second is to take a big drop step and twist your hips is to create more power on your shoot. Lastly you need to follow through your swing. It’s just like in basketball and how you need yo follow through on your shoot or in soccer and how you need to follow through on your kick. Another part important part of lax is how to catch the ball because if you can’t catch the ball you can’t really score. The most important part of catching the ball is keeping your hands in front of your body. If you do this you can catch the ball from almost anywhere. How you actually receive the ball is another crucial technique. When the ball is going into your stick, you need to bring the stick towards you so the ball won’t pop out. If you just keep your stick out there the ball will hit your mesh and fly out of your head. The last thing I am going to tell you about is how to cradle the ball. If you cannot cradle the ball, when you are trying to move down the field, you will get the ball knocked out and taking away. A way to not let that happen is to bring your stick up strongly and bring it down strongly.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Ethics and the Cheating Epidemic :: Critical Thinking Essays
Ethics and the Current Cheating Epidemic There is an epidemic of cheating in American universities. Students are finding easier and more efficient ways to cheat. Morals and morality are changing. Students, members of the younger generation, and teachers, members of the older generation, differ on what is cheating. Morality even differs amongst students. Some students still adhere to the traditional sense of morality, and find what other students do an abhorration of morality. This essay is a mostly a pathos and ethos argument that attempts to appeal to the reader’s sense of right and wrong by using so-called â€Å"authorities.†The first section is filled with pathos arguments designed to make the reader believe that the majority of college students are cheaters. Multiple sources are brought in to prove this, each with their own ethos and pathos. First is a freshman named John Smolik, and his words are incriminating for all college students. He says â€Å"Cheating IS an answer†(Clayton 20). This is nothing new. Cheating has always been an answer for students. Most of them get caught, however. The fact that a student says this, however, makes people think that he has cheated or that it is widespread. In fact, he is just expressing a personal opinion, which he is entitled to. The next ethical source is something called â€Å"The Center for Academic Integrity.†This source interviewed a small sample of students, about 7,000, on 26 small campuses. Now, when analyzing this source, one has to wonder why they chose such a small sample. If we do the math, that’s only 270 students per campus. My high school had more than 270 students. One could easily ascertain that the institution doing this study picked out only the results that they liked. Next, the author uses some loaded language which stands out: Add to that a pervasive change in societal values, and students can easily be snared if they lack a strong moral compass - as well as a campus where peers and administrators take a firm stand against dishonesty. (Clayton 20). Do you have a â€Å"Strong moral compass?†Are you a victim in the â€Å"pervasive change in societal values?†The Christian imagery is thick here. But the author does not stop there. He quotes a provost at Vanderbilt as saying, â€Å"No one cheated [in the 1960s]†(Clayton 21).
Monday, November 11, 2019
Is There a Price for Being too Nice? Essay
1. Do you think there is a contradiction between what employers want in employees (agreeable employees) and what employees actually do best (disagreeable employees)? Why or why not? I do believe there is a tremendous contradiction between what employers look for and what employees are actually good at. Most employers look for people who are agreeable; people who are easily to be liked and pleasing to be around and people who are willing or are ready to agree or consent very easily. Agreeable people are more comfortable to have around and are easier to work with; this is why employers prefer and look for agreeable people to hire. I understand why employers prefer to look for people who are more agreeable but it makes no sense why they would hire people who are not better job performers and they are less successful in their career. This is why there is a contradiction; people look for a job that they are good at and a job where they can grow and develop their personal and technical skills. The main reason why I believe you pursue a job is because you have knowledge on it and you would like to apply your knowledge and grow. Even if you’re not an agreeable person, you are very capable to perform the job with excellence. This contradiction is not good at all because employers look for agreeable employees but what if they are less successful at their job? Being less successful at your job could cost the organization or company a lot of money and also it could lead to many other problems such as customer service or financial matters. On the other hand, what if a disagreeable person knows how to do his or her job efficiently but she doesn’t get hired because he/she is a little uncomfortable to be around with? As informed in classed, behaviors are influenced by moods and moods by feelings. Feelings can be transmitted to people when they are surrounded by them. They can be able to change someone’s feeling and therefore change their mood and behavior towards their coworkers. This way, they are less unpleasant to be around, and they are still good at job performing. Having this in mind could lead to less contradiction between employers and employees because they can hire people who are going to be good at their job and somehow be pleasant to be around. Even though it has been proven that people like to have a good relationship with their coworkers and be socializing at work, it is necessary to have a balance of personalities and traits in the work environment. In order for the organization to succeed or improve, they need employees who are going to work hard and be successful at what they do, but also combine them with agreeable people to keep a nice and comfortable environment for the employees. 2. Often, the effects of personality depend on the situation. Can you think of some job situation in which agreeableness is an important virtue? And in which it is harmful? Under stressful moments or circumstances, agreeableness becomes a virtue; when things are going bad at an office or the main vault of a bank doesn’t balance at the end of the day. This is a situation where stress hits and your brain stops making sense. Having an agreeable person at that moment helps to swallow better the situation, calm down, and try to identify the problem. I was stuck in a very similar situation; working in a bank and having money missing is scary and when you have unpleasant people around you who are not helping the situation it becomes even worse. When this happens, you tend to lose control, your brain stops making sense, you get mad and it becomes harder to find a solution to the problem. When a more pleasant coworker showed up, she was able to calm down the situation, and change all of our feelings and moods, and we were able to find the problem and with-in the solution. Obviously, in these situations the agreeable person was very important to us, and they can also affect many customer service work. In customer service the client looks for someone who’s going to tolerate them and help them in everything. Agreeable people are great for customer service; they are capable of being passive at stressful situations and very warm and welcoming to others. They are also pleasant people to have around; they help control the mood of the environment and with that help others to be calmer and happier in order to give the customer the best service they can get. As written on the case, when people are agreeable they tend to not be very good at their job, and they tend to be less success at their careers. They are also characterized for being very passive and easier to manipulate. For people who work on sales, for example financial institutions selling and buying stocks, this trait is harmful for them. For these types of jobs you need to be aggressive and straight to the point, and unfortunately your coworkers become your enemies because they need you to sell and move fast; completely the opposite from an agreeable person. This trait could harm them in many ways. If they are the sales person, they could lose many customers for the organization and make them lose profit. Also, their coworkers can manipulate them and keep them from selling and they can also take away their clients. Sometimes being so agreeable can open a door for people to take advantage of them or even stepping on them to steal their clients or opportunities. I guess that when the situation requires for you to be aggressive in order to perform your job, being agreeable could be harmful. Also, when your job position is extremely important and you have a high expectation of the results, being agreeable would be a harmful for you too. It important to have this trait, because this way you are able to transmit your good vibe and emotions to the people that surround you, but if you’re not able to perform your job then I don’t see the point of having them as part of the organization or corporation. 3. In some research we’ve conducted, we’ve found that the negative effects of agreeableness on earnings is stronger for men than for women (that is, being agreeable hurts men’s earning more than women’s). Why do you think this might be the case? By nature, men tend to be more aggressive than women, meaning they are more forceful than women. Men tend to attack their client’s in a way that they push them into buying their products while women confront the situation by being more sensitive and persuasive. I’m guessing that if men are agreeable they lose their hostility and it becomes harder for them to sell their products. I believe that men are characterized for being so aggressive and passionate for the things they do that when they become passive, people misunderstand them which unfortunately leads to them loosing opportunities. On the other hand, women are more passionate but in a sensitive and emotional way. Women have a way to speak to customers that it makes the customer feel safe and not pressured to do anything they perhaps don’t want to do. Although that is a good thing for the customers, sometimes that loses opportunities for women in these situations. This, although, doesn’t apply to all women or men. There are some women, just like men, that have that extra edge and aggressive approach and at the end of the day, could save the company in earnings and there are men who have that sensitive and soothing approach. Like previously mentioned, it all depends on the person. On average, yes, men have the advantage over women because they have that aggressive approach and can work themselves out of any situation, good or bad. Women can do the same but in their own special way and at times can make them succeed or fail, just like men.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Public Education in the Philippines Essay
Literacy rate in the Philippines has improved a lot over the last few years- from 72 percent in 1960 to 94 percent in 1990. This is attributed to the increase in both the number of schools built and the level of enrollment in these schools. The number of schools grew rapidly in all three levels – elementary, secondary, and tertiary. From the mid-1960s up to the early 1990, there was an increase of 58 percent in the elementary schools and 362 percent in the tertiary schools. For the same period, enrollment in all three levels also rose by 120 percent. More than 90 percent of the elementary schools and 60 percent of the secondary schools are publicly owned. However, only 28 percent of the tertiary schools are publicly owned. A big percentage of tertiary-level students enroll in and finish commerce and business management courses. Table 1 shows the distribution of courses taken, based on School Year 1990-1991. Note that the difference between the number of enrollees in the commerce and business courses and in the engineering and technology courses may be small – 29.2 percent for commerce and business and 20.3 percent for engineering and technology. However, the gap widens in terms of the number of graduates for the said courses. On gender distribution, female students have very high representation in all three levels. At the elementary level, male and female students are almost equally represented. But female enrollment exceeds that of the male at the secondary and tertiary levels . Also, boys have higher rates of failures, dropouts, and repetition in both elementary and secondary levels. Aside from the numbers presented above, which are impressive, there is also a need to look closely and resolve the following important issues: 1) quality of education 2) affordability of education 3) goverment budget for education; and 4) education mismatch. Quality – There was a decline in the quality of the Philippine education, especially at the elementary and secondary levels. For example, the results of standard tests conducted among elementary and high school students, as well as in the National College of Entrance Examination for college students, were way below the target mean score. Affordability – There is also a big disparity in educational achievements across social groups. For example, the socioeconomically disadvantaged students have higher dropout rates, especially in the elementary level. And most of the freshmen students at the tertiary level come from relatively well-off families. Budget – The Philippine Constitution has mandated the goverment to allocate the highest proportion of its budget to education. However, the Philippines still has one of the lowest budget allocations to education among the Asean countries. Mismatch – There is a large proportion of â€Å"mismatch†between training and actual jobs. This is the major problem at the tertiary level and it is also the cause of the existence of a large group of educated unemployed or underemployed. The following are some of the reforms proposed: Upgrade the teachers’ salary scale. Teachers have been underpaid; thus there is very little incentive for most of them to take up advanced trainings. Amend the current system of budgeting for education across regions, which is based on participation rates and units costs. This clearly favors the more developed regions. There is a need to provide more allocation to lagging regions to narrow the disparity across regions. Stop the current practice of subsidizing state universities and colleges to enhance access. This may not be the best way to promote equity. An expanded scholarship program, giving more focus and priority to the poor, maybe more equitable. Get all the leaders in business and industry to become actively involved in higher education; this is aimed at addressing the mismatch problem. In addition, carry out a selective admission policy, i. e. , installing mechanisms to reduce enrollment in oversubscribed courses and promoting enrollment in undersubscribed ones. Develop a rationalized apprenticeship program with heavy inputs from the private sector. Furthermore, transfer the control of technical training to industry groups which are more attuned to the needs of business and industry.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Why Should I Go Vegan A Report on The Benefits of A Plant Based Diet And The Drawbacks of Modern Farming Professor Ramos Blog
Why Should I Go Vegan A Report on The Benefits of A Plant Based Diet And The Drawbacks of Modern Farming https://1drv.ms/p/s!AoHc1z-_679AcDFi2Wd36eheb8k
Monday, November 4, 2019
Distribution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Distribution - Essay Example tury old strategy of independent dealers to a reduced number of jointly held super stores, thus reducing competition among the dealers and shifting the focus to competing with the other automobile dealers (1). In 2005, the Ford unified its Ford and Mercury Lincoln division to strengthen its marketing, sales and service, in the face of growing competition. (2). Therefore in the last decade Ford has demonstrated an urge to adapt to the environment in which it functions. These changes have not given Ford the boost it needs. Ford needs to be more innovative in its changes in the distribution and sales strategies, in keeping with revolutionary change that it brought about in the early 1900s through mass production assembly lines (3). So what is the innovative distribution strategy that Ford can consider? A look at its web site provides a possible solution. In its web site Ford offers a prospective customer the means to navigate and find out the range of products and accessories offered and the possible cost of a product with a variety of accessories and financing facilities. In short the customer has all the information he needs to make the purchase, but now has to go to a jointly held super store and place his order. In case Ford were to make use of the Internet and sell directly it would be making use of direct selling strategies. No doubt this would be against the grain of traditional sales and distribution in the automobile industry sector, which has relied on indirect dealer based sales. There is no market intelligence to suggest that Ford is considering such a change, but then maybe such an innovative change in the automobile sector would be to the advantage of Ford. The reason for this suggestion is the example of Dell Inc. Dell changed the way in which business enterprises have viewed direct selling strategies and the use of the Internet for sales, through its successes in the computer and peripherals market. This remarkable direct-sales model was the result
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Sustainable Management Futures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 3
Sustainable Management Futures - Essay Example The gases are trapped in the lower parts of the atmosphere thereby causing a blanket that traps the auto-radiated heat of the sun thereby causing the condition many call the global warming. The effects of global warming include a rise in global temperatures, rise in sea levels, and changes in climatic patterns (Senge, 2010). Others are heat waves, droughts, heavy rainfall in some regions, acidification of oceans and other effects related to shifting temperatures. Various studies have been conducted and some economists have been able to quantify the effects in monetary terms even though the results are disputable (Senge, 2010). Economic effects of Global Warming Among the various ways designed to calculate the effect of global warming is the effect of its products i.e. floods, rising sea levels etc. The first major effect is its effect on property and infrastructure. This is caused by factors such as floods, rising sea levels and storms (Senge, 2010, p. 16). These factors destroy road s, bridges, runways and other forms of property and infrastructure. The property destroyed may have cost substantial sums of money to set up therefore destroying it causes a loss to the investors who may be either individuals, companies or the government. The subsequent repairs to be done after the effects may also cost substantial amounts of resources. In the absence of the effects of global warming, the repairing costs may not have been incurred. The second economic effect is its effect on productivity. For instance, heavy rainfall may disrupt the daily activities of many people that generate money. They also disrupt planting of crops and may even destroy crops. This means that harvest may be affected in the process. In some areas, traffic snarl-ups are experienced in addition to power outages. These factors are important in economic development therefore disrupting them affects the economic adversely. Moreover, some people are affected by health conditions such as pneumonia that are caused by adverse climatic conditions. These diseases reduce the productivity of the people. The third type of costs incurred are coping costs. Coping costs arise from the measures that are implemented to curb some of the effects of global warming. Even though the long-term benefits may outweigh the initial cost, accounting may show significant costs in setting up the various policies. For instance, the government may be forced to strengthen infrastructure such as bridges and seawalls to curb the damage caused by floods and riding water levels. This requires heavy investments on the part of the government to make the improvements. The most expensive costs however remain the lives lost in the various disasters that occur. Medical bills are also incurred to treat people who are affected by the various catastrophes. From the above costs, it is evident that global warming is an issue that should be addressed keenly. The implementation of measures to curb the effects of global warmin g calls for the involvement of all stakeholders. Collective Measures to create a Solution The economic effects of climate change can be reduced if all stakeholders unite and merge resources to implement measures that may save this planet. The overall objective will be to reduce carbon emissions to safer levels (Senge, 2010, p.34). These may involve the participation of everyone from individual homes, businesses to governments. One of the measures is to forego
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Complete a project based on your choice of an investment portfolio Essay
Complete a project based on your choice of an investment portfolio - Essay Example In addition to this, it helps to identify the risk associated with each of the financial assets. Risk involved in portfolio investment is directly linked with the value. The willingness of an individual make investment or avoid risk is the most important factor for portfolio investment (Reilly & Brown, 2011). The investment portfolio has to be made in such a manner that maximum return can be earned from financial assets. The investment portfolio has been based from Monday 2nd March 2015 to Monday 6th April 2015. The major aim of investment in financial assets is to earn return and maximise profitability. Moreover, portfolio investment is considered to be the safest mean of earning income. The total amount fixed for portfolio investment is  £100,000 (Reilly & Brown, 2011). The paper analyses current market trend and the risk involved with each of the financial assets that has the potential to prevent investments. Apart from risk other factors that have the potential to affect investment in financial assets include the amount invested and the expected length for which an individual holds different financial assets. The time horizon defines the time period between the investment in financial assets and receiving the return from it. The time length is considered to be the crucial factor in portfolio investment, because it directly affects the ability of investors to minimise the overall risk involved. The paper analyses the financial market according to the data of London stock exchange and identifies the assets from which the borrower can achieve maximum return with respect to the risk involved. Investment theory focuses on the process of decision making associated with selecting the appropriate financial assets for investment that in turn has the potential to maximise the overall return earned. Investment theory defines the relation between the risk involved in investment and overall return from the financial assets. Investment in financial
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Introduction To HRM 2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Introduction To HRM 2 - Coursework Example Before review, human resource management was characterized by punishing employees who were not performing according to Cafe Co instead of training them. Employees were not highly valued but treated just like any other resource and paid minimum wages Furthermore, employee engagement and communication was not valued and human resource activities were aligned to company’s strategy only. All human resource roles were left to human resource department only. Cafe Co was only concerned with employee performance and not development. After the review, the company adopted much of the soft approach though it continued to align human resource activities to company’s strategy. Soft human resource classifies employees as special and treats them as human beings that need to be respected and trusted. Theory explains that employees’ skills need to be developed and nurtured. It also stresses better remuneration and taking good care of employees. Cafe Co accepted to adopt soft appr oach by appointing human resource representative to the company’s board. Kim adopted much of the soft approach after the review because she emphasized development of employees’ competency, advocating for increase in employee compensation and prioritized retention of employees. Employees are valued and referred to as colleagues and partners towards achievement of company’s vision and mission. ... There are a number of both advantages and disadvantages of devolving HR activities to line managers at Cafe Co. Employees are likely to receive quick response from their line managers, appropriate employees are likely to be selected because line managers are more likely to make correct decisions and there is possibility of increased employee productivity as employees concerns are responded in time. Devolving HR activities on the other hand may increase work load to the line managers, decrease importance of human resource specialists and line managers may be incompetent on human resource issues. Cafe Co is likely to benefit from devolving HR activities to line managers. Employees are likely to develop commitment and loyalty when their issues are responded to on time because they feel cared for. As a result, much of employee time will be used to work thus increasing their productiveness. Line managers are more likely to motivate and mentor their employees than overall HR specialists. H ow each of Ulrich’s HR roles could help the HR manager solve some of the problems in Cafe Co. According to Ulrich, human resource department act as a strategic partner, administrative expert, change agent as well as employee challenge (Holbeche, 2009). As a strategic partner, human resource department can align human resource initiatives and activities with mission and vision of Cafe Co. Strategic partner role informs Kim (human resource manager) to design work positions, strategic compensation and benefits, appraisal systems, succession and career planning as well as employee development to respond to the needs of the company. Strategic partner role pushes Kim to make employees to be more
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Malunggay Bark Extract As Alternative Source
Malunggay Bark Extract As Alternative Source The 21st century trend is an era in which technologies become part of human lives. In this age, efforts and time are exhausted by many individuals or groups in order to create technologies that can be utilized in any human endeavour. Conversely, for most of these innovations and inventions to function, electricity is required. In the Philippines, a country that is abreast with technologies, majority of the electricity requirement is derived from electric power plants that are run by fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal. Moreover, batteries which are portable source of the said energy are also in use. However, due to rapid increase in technologies that require electricity, some problems arise. At present, since there is a huge demand for electricity, fuel required to generate such energy becomes scarce. People have realized that most of processes and materials for electricity generation have negative effect on the environment and on health of human. Hence, researches are conducted to discover green (clean, natural, derive from biological source), low cost, and readily available alternative source of electricity. In line with this view, Filipinos actively participate to achieve this purpose by introducing malunggay (Moringa oleifera) as an important source of not only nutrition and medicine but of electricity as well. Malunggay is a tree that preferably grows in countries with tropical climate such as the Philippines. This tree can be easily propagated since malunggay can be grown from seeds or mature stem cuttings. In the country, this tree is commonly found in household backyard, aligned with perimeter fences, since the edible and nutritious flowers, fruits, and leaves of malunggay are part of the diet of Filipinos. Aside from the nutritional value of some parts of malunggay, all parts of this tree are used in herbal medicine to cure some diseases. Given that this tree can serve several purposes, malunggay becomes in demand. In light of the discussion of the environmental problems and characteristics of malunggay, a group of researchers conducted a study entitled MOB Electricity: Malunggay Bark Extract as Alternative Source of Electricity, to show that malunggay (Moringa oleifera) bark extract is a viable alternative source of electricity; consequently, providing an environment friendly, inexpensive and accessible source of electricity. At this point in time, since there is a strong desire to improve way of living, great attention is given to technologies. Due to this interest, innovations and inventions which require electricity are continuously developed. Thus, electricity must be continuously generated. On the contrary, most of the processes and materials for electricity generation pose hazards to the environment and human health. Therefore, a clean, low cost, and readily available source of electricity is needed, a reason that motivated the researchers to engage in this investigatory project. B. Statement of the Problem This study entitled MOB Electricity: Malunggay Bark Extract as Alternative Source of Electricity intends to investigate the feasibility of Malunggay (Moringa oleifera) bark extract as an alternative source of electricity. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions: 1. Is there a significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from liquid form of malunggay bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction? 2. Is there a significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from jelly form of malunggay bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction? 3. Is there a significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from liquid and jelly form of malunggay bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction? 4. Is there a significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from varying amounts of malunggay bark extract? C. Hypotheses 1. Ho: There is no significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from liquid form of malunggay bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction. Ha: There is a significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from liquid form of malunggay bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction. 2. Ho: There is no significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from jelly form of malunggay bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction. Ha: There is a significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from jelly form of malunggay bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction. 3. Ho: There is no significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from liquid and jelly form of malunggay bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction. Ha: There is a significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from liquid and jelly form of malunggay bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction. 4. Ho: There is no significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from varying amounts of malunggay bark extract. Ha: There is a significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from varying amounts of malunggay bark extract. D. Significance of the Study This study will provide the energy sector in the country a green alternative source of electricity which will reduce the use of materials that have hazardous effects to human and environment. Hence, minimizing occurrences of diseases and slowing the rate of environment degradation. Furthermore, the positive result of this study could also assure people with inexpensive and accessible source of electricity. Moreover, this study introduces a new application of malunggay, thus, further increasing the demand for this tree. In this effect, farmers in the country could have extra income by providing the needed supply of malunggay. E. Scopes and Limitations The focal point of this study is the feasibility of malunggay (Moringa oleifera) as an alternative source of electricity. In order to assess the said feasibility, malunggay bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction was utilized. Subsequently, voltage was measured for different set-ups and treatments. However, the researchers were unable to determine the component of the extract responsible for electricity generation since the material was not subjected to chemical analysis. This restriction might be an additional recommendation for future researches. The researchers conducted this study from January 9, 2012 to August 23, 2012. All experiments and observations were done at JICA laboratory of Sapang Palay National High School. F. Operational Definition of Terms Gelatin Powder used to create a firm form of extract. Carbon Rod -served as the positive electrode (anode) of the external circuit connected to malunggay bark exract. Zinc Plate served as the negative electrode (cathode) of the external circuit connected to malunggay bark extract. Multi-tester used to measure the amount of voltage from malunggay bark extract. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE I. Introduction In the onset of the 21st century, negative effects of environmental issues such as pollution, ozone depletion, and global warming become notable. Thus, these problems gained the attention of people around the world. Among these negative effects are development and widespread of diseases, development of skin cancer, increase in temperature, heavy rains, heavy floods, strong typhoons, and climate change. In response, organizations are created, and conventions and researches are conducted to deal with these issues. Today, as data are continuously gathered;various human activities that involve emission of gases, chemicals, and radiations are considered as one of the large contributor to environmental degradation. Such human activities include generation of electricity. However, since electricity is vital in operating technologies which advances human lives, search for clean alternative source of electricity should be conducted to prevent further degradation of the environment. II. Electricity Generation Electricity is the form of energy that has the highest demand at this point in time. This energy form is required to operate technologies that people created for life advancement. Thus, energy industries are in continuous search to supply the needed demand of electricity. Today, there are different sources from which this energy is derived. These sources include fossil fuels (petroleum and coal), nuclear energy, hydropower, solar energy, and wind energy. These sources are used to drive turbines in electric power plants which will generate electricity. Electricity generated from these sources is the one supplied in wall sockets of houses and buildings. Another source of electricity is battery, a source that is in portable form. (Bose, 2010) In the Philippines, a country that is abreast with technologies, majority of the required electricity is derived from electric power plants that are run by fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal. Moreover, batteries which are portable source of the said energy are also in use. However, emissions from such electric power plants are composed of gases which cause air pollution and contribute to global warming. Likewise, batteries have chemical components that can leak and pollute land, water and air. In addition to these negative effects to the environment, human can also acquire diseases due to said contamination. (Petrina, 2007) III. Green Electricity People are now aware of the harmful effects of conventional electricity generation to human health and environment. Consequently, efforts and time are spent in order to discover alternative green clean, natural, biological sources of electricity, an action that would minimize presence of harmful chemicals and gases in the environment. In connection to this notion, researchers have considered different plants, different parts of plants, and organisms as potential source of green electricity. (U.S Environmental Protection Agency, 2012) Basic example of green energy is electricity from fruits and vegetables. Many people, during childhood, have done classroom experiments to derive electricity from lemon and potato. Results of these experiments proved that these materials can generate electricity because juices of fruits and vegetables act as electrolytes which initiate reaction to free and move electrons. (Renico, 2012) On the other hand, another related research was conducted by scientists of Stanford University which harness electricity from algae. The concept behind this project is the process of photosynthesis involved in food production of plants. According to the scientists, in this process, electrons from water are given with high energy by sunlight. These electrons are the one the scientists captured using electrodes. (Stanford University, 2010) Lastly, researchers of Arizona State University study the possibility for bacteria to generate electricity through the use of a microbial fuel cell (MFC) which contains waste water and bacteria dwelling on the material. In this research, the persons involve relate electricity generation to metabolic activity of bacteria. (Arizona State University, 2008) IV. Malunggay Tree Malunggay (Moringa oleifera) tree, which commonly grows in tropical countries such as Philippines, is characterized by long, straight, white trunks; small, green, compound leaves; and seasonal white flowers that yields long pods. This tree propagates easily and does not require much attention. In fact, malunggay seeds or matured stem cuttings can be planted in any kind of soil and does not require regular maintenance. (Asia Green Group, 2012) In the Philippines, malunggay can be found in most household backyards because edible parts of this tree (flowers, pods, and leaves) are part of Filipino cooking. Moreover, these parts of malunggay tree provide people with vitamins and minerals needed by the body. Aside from providing nourishment, this tree also has medicinal value. Based on numerous studies, malunggay contains chemicals that have antibacterial, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory properties. (Fahey, 2005) CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY Gathering of Materials/Equipments Among the materials gathered by the researchers were malunggay (Moringa olifera) bark, gelatin powder, ethyl alcohol, filter paper, gloves, face mask, and old batteries. Equipment as well was borrowed from the school laboratory. These equipments include beakers, reagent bottles, funnel, stirring rod, thermometer, mortar and pestle, alcohol lamp, triple beam balance, strainer, tripod, and wire gauze. Collection of Zinc Plate and Carbon Rod Researchers collected old batteries. Subsequently, these batteries were uncovered and electrolyte inside was removed. Since electrolyte component of battery is composed of slightly toxic chemicals, researcher wore gloves and face mask. In this manner, zinc plates and carbon rods were obtained. Preparation of Malunggay Bark Extract A. Crude Extraction Malunggay barks were collected and cut into small pieces by the researchers. Afterwards, the barks were placed in a blender. Finally, in order to obtain pure extract, minced barks were placed in soft cloth and squeezed. B. Ethanol Extraction Malunggay barks were collected and cut into small pieces. Then, barks were placed in a blender to mince the material. Next, minced barks were oven-dried for 5 minutes and were pulverized with mortar and pestle. After this process, 100 grams of pulverized bark was placed in a reagent bottle in which 250 ml of ethyl alcohol was poured afterwards. Lastly, extract which was rested for 10 hours for purification purpose was filtered through a funnel with filter paper. Varying the Amount of Bark Extract Amount of bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction was varied for each treatment. 5 ml of extract was allotted to Treatment I, 10 ml for Treatment II, and 15 ml for Treatment III. Preparation of Jelly Form of Malunggay Bark Extract In a beaker, constant volume (5 ml) of water was poured and heated to 70oC. When water reaches the specified temperature, constant amount (10 g) of gelatin powder was added into the water. Then, the solution was continuously stirred. Before the solution solidifies, the assigned amount of extract per treatment was poured without stopping the stirring process. Material was immediately removed from heat. Measuring Voltage Zinc plate and carbon rod were installed to each treatment. From these electrodes, multitester was connected to measure voltage. Measurement was done for five times. Subsequently, voltage measured from each treatment was recorded. METHODOLOGICAL FLOWCHART CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The researchers conducted several experiments. Subsequently, data and results obtained from these experiments were recorded in tabulated from in this chapter. After each table of data, interpretations of these results were discussed. In the aid of these interpretations, the researchers could have initial assessment of the hypotheses presented in this paper. Table 2.0 shows that jelly form of extract from crude extraction yielded higher amount of voltage than jelly form of extract from ethanol extraction. However, more uniform voltage reading is obtained from jelly ethanol bark extract than jelly crude bark extract; as the amount of extract increases, amount of voltage reading increases. Table 3.0 shows that both form of crude bark extract generated relatively high amount of voltage. Even so, jelly crude bark extract yielded fluctuating amount of voltage as the amount of extract increases. Table 3.1 shows that as amount of liquid ethanol bark extract increases, amount of measured voltage decreases. For jelly form of bark extract from ethanol extraction, voltage reading increases, as the amount of said extract increases. CHAPTER V SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary: This study entitled MOB Electricity: Malunggay Bark Extract as Alternative Source of Electricity aspires to prove if malunggay bark extract could be a possible source of electricity and to ascertain if there would be a significant difference when the method of extraction, form of extract, and amount of extract are varied. In order to test the feasibility of malunggay bark extract as alternative source of electricity, the researchers prepared two different set-ups and under each set-up there are three treatments. For the second set-up, amount of gelatin powder and amount of water used in each treatment were controlled. Then, voltage was measured in each treatment per set-up for five times using a multi-tester. The results obtained from different set-ups were analyzed using Two-Factor ANOVA with Replication. The results are summarized as follows: On the first set-up, statistical analysis showed that there is significant difference in the amount of voltage measured from liquid form of malunggay bark extract when method of extraction and amount of extract were varied. On the second set-up, statistical analysis showed that there is significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from jelly form of malunggay bark extract when obtained through different extraction method. Furthermore, statistically significant difference also exists on the amount of voltage reading when the amount of said form of extract was varied. Statistical analysis of Tables 3.0 and 3.1 indicate that there is significant difference on the amount of voltage measured when the form of extract and amount of extract were varied. Conclusion: Based on the results of statistical analysis and observations, the researchers conclude that malungggay bark extract could be a viable alternative source of electricity. Moreover, the people behind this study were able to discover that the 15 ml liquid form of extract obtained through crude extraction yielded the highest and most stable amount of voltage among all the treatments done. Recommendations: In this study the researchers encountered some hindrances which limited the scope of the investigation. Hence, only test for the feasibility of malunggay bark extract as an alternative source of electricity was conducted. Nonetheless, the study does not end with this objective. There are other factors related to electricity generation in malunggay bark extract that should be considered. Researchers would like to propose the following to other people who consider pursuing this project: Further increase volume of extract in order to obtain higher voltage reading. Convert the extract in a form that will facilitate easier and more stable voltage measurement. Subject the extract to chemical analysis to determine the component responsible for electricity generation. Develop a way to harness electricity from the extract.
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