Thursday, October 31, 2019
Complete a project based on your choice of an investment portfolio Essay
Complete a project based on your choice of an investment portfolio - Essay Example In addition to this, it helps to identify the risk associated with each of the financial assets. Risk involved in portfolio investment is directly linked with the value. The willingness of an individual make investment or avoid risk is the most important factor for portfolio investment (Reilly & Brown, 2011). The investment portfolio has to be made in such a manner that maximum return can be earned from financial assets. The investment portfolio has been based from Monday 2nd March 2015 to Monday 6th April 2015. The major aim of investment in financial assets is to earn return and maximise profitability. Moreover, portfolio investment is considered to be the safest mean of earning income. The total amount fixed for portfolio investment is  £100,000 (Reilly & Brown, 2011). The paper analyses current market trend and the risk involved with each of the financial assets that has the potential to prevent investments. Apart from risk other factors that have the potential to affect investment in financial assets include the amount invested and the expected length for which an individual holds different financial assets. The time horizon defines the time period between the investment in financial assets and receiving the return from it. The time length is considered to be the crucial factor in portfolio investment, because it directly affects the ability of investors to minimise the overall risk involved. The paper analyses the financial market according to the data of London stock exchange and identifies the assets from which the borrower can achieve maximum return with respect to the risk involved. Investment theory focuses on the process of decision making associated with selecting the appropriate financial assets for investment that in turn has the potential to maximise the overall return earned. Investment theory defines the relation between the risk involved in investment and overall return from the financial assets. Investment in financial
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Introduction To HRM 2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Introduction To HRM 2 - Coursework Example Before review, human resource management was characterized by punishing employees who were not performing according to Cafe Co instead of training them. Employees were not highly valued but treated just like any other resource and paid minimum wages Furthermore, employee engagement and communication was not valued and human resource activities were aligned to company’s strategy only. All human resource roles were left to human resource department only. Cafe Co was only concerned with employee performance and not development. After the review, the company adopted much of the soft approach though it continued to align human resource activities to company’s strategy. Soft human resource classifies employees as special and treats them as human beings that need to be respected and trusted. Theory explains that employees’ skills need to be developed and nurtured. It also stresses better remuneration and taking good care of employees. Cafe Co accepted to adopt soft appr oach by appointing human resource representative to the company’s board. Kim adopted much of the soft approach after the review because she emphasized development of employees’ competency, advocating for increase in employee compensation and prioritized retention of employees. Employees are valued and referred to as colleagues and partners towards achievement of company’s vision and mission. ... There are a number of both advantages and disadvantages of devolving HR activities to line managers at Cafe Co. Employees are likely to receive quick response from their line managers, appropriate employees are likely to be selected because line managers are more likely to make correct decisions and there is possibility of increased employee productivity as employees concerns are responded in time. Devolving HR activities on the other hand may increase work load to the line managers, decrease importance of human resource specialists and line managers may be incompetent on human resource issues. Cafe Co is likely to benefit from devolving HR activities to line managers. Employees are likely to develop commitment and loyalty when their issues are responded to on time because they feel cared for. As a result, much of employee time will be used to work thus increasing their productiveness. Line managers are more likely to motivate and mentor their employees than overall HR specialists. H ow each of Ulrich’s HR roles could help the HR manager solve some of the problems in Cafe Co. According to Ulrich, human resource department act as a strategic partner, administrative expert, change agent as well as employee challenge (Holbeche, 2009). As a strategic partner, human resource department can align human resource initiatives and activities with mission and vision of Cafe Co. Strategic partner role informs Kim (human resource manager) to design work positions, strategic compensation and benefits, appraisal systems, succession and career planning as well as employee development to respond to the needs of the company. Strategic partner role pushes Kim to make employees to be more
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Malunggay Bark Extract As Alternative Source
Malunggay Bark Extract As Alternative Source The 21st century trend is an era in which technologies become part of human lives. In this age, efforts and time are exhausted by many individuals or groups in order to create technologies that can be utilized in any human endeavour. Conversely, for most of these innovations and inventions to function, electricity is required. In the Philippines, a country that is abreast with technologies, majority of the electricity requirement is derived from electric power plants that are run by fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal. Moreover, batteries which are portable source of the said energy are also in use. However, due to rapid increase in technologies that require electricity, some problems arise. At present, since there is a huge demand for electricity, fuel required to generate such energy becomes scarce. People have realized that most of processes and materials for electricity generation have negative effect on the environment and on health of human. Hence, researches are conducted to discover green (clean, natural, derive from biological source), low cost, and readily available alternative source of electricity. In line with this view, Filipinos actively participate to achieve this purpose by introducing malunggay (Moringa oleifera) as an important source of not only nutrition and medicine but of electricity as well. Malunggay is a tree that preferably grows in countries with tropical climate such as the Philippines. This tree can be easily propagated since malunggay can be grown from seeds or mature stem cuttings. In the country, this tree is commonly found in household backyard, aligned with perimeter fences, since the edible and nutritious flowers, fruits, and leaves of malunggay are part of the diet of Filipinos. Aside from the nutritional value of some parts of malunggay, all parts of this tree are used in herbal medicine to cure some diseases. Given that this tree can serve several purposes, malunggay becomes in demand. In light of the discussion of the environmental problems and characteristics of malunggay, a group of researchers conducted a study entitled MOB Electricity: Malunggay Bark Extract as Alternative Source of Electricity, to show that malunggay (Moringa oleifera) bark extract is a viable alternative source of electricity; consequently, providing an environment friendly, inexpensive and accessible source of electricity. At this point in time, since there is a strong desire to improve way of living, great attention is given to technologies. Due to this interest, innovations and inventions which require electricity are continuously developed. Thus, electricity must be continuously generated. On the contrary, most of the processes and materials for electricity generation pose hazards to the environment and human health. Therefore, a clean, low cost, and readily available source of electricity is needed, a reason that motivated the researchers to engage in this investigatory project. B. Statement of the Problem This study entitled MOB Electricity: Malunggay Bark Extract as Alternative Source of Electricity intends to investigate the feasibility of Malunggay (Moringa oleifera) bark extract as an alternative source of electricity. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions: 1. Is there a significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from liquid form of malunggay bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction? 2. Is there a significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from jelly form of malunggay bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction? 3. Is there a significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from liquid and jelly form of malunggay bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction? 4. Is there a significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from varying amounts of malunggay bark extract? C. Hypotheses 1. Ho: There is no significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from liquid form of malunggay bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction. Ha: There is a significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from liquid form of malunggay bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction. 2. Ho: There is no significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from jelly form of malunggay bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction. Ha: There is a significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from jelly form of malunggay bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction. 3. Ho: There is no significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from liquid and jelly form of malunggay bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction. Ha: There is a significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from liquid and jelly form of malunggay bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction. 4. Ho: There is no significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from varying amounts of malunggay bark extract. Ha: There is a significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from varying amounts of malunggay bark extract. D. Significance of the Study This study will provide the energy sector in the country a green alternative source of electricity which will reduce the use of materials that have hazardous effects to human and environment. Hence, minimizing occurrences of diseases and slowing the rate of environment degradation. Furthermore, the positive result of this study could also assure people with inexpensive and accessible source of electricity. Moreover, this study introduces a new application of malunggay, thus, further increasing the demand for this tree. In this effect, farmers in the country could have extra income by providing the needed supply of malunggay. E. Scopes and Limitations The focal point of this study is the feasibility of malunggay (Moringa oleifera) as an alternative source of electricity. In order to assess the said feasibility, malunggay bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction was utilized. Subsequently, voltage was measured for different set-ups and treatments. However, the researchers were unable to determine the component of the extract responsible for electricity generation since the material was not subjected to chemical analysis. This restriction might be an additional recommendation for future researches. The researchers conducted this study from January 9, 2012 to August 23, 2012. All experiments and observations were done at JICA laboratory of Sapang Palay National High School. F. Operational Definition of Terms Gelatin Powder used to create a firm form of extract. Carbon Rod -served as the positive electrode (anode) of the external circuit connected to malunggay bark exract. Zinc Plate served as the negative electrode (cathode) of the external circuit connected to malunggay bark extract. Multi-tester used to measure the amount of voltage from malunggay bark extract. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE I. Introduction In the onset of the 21st century, negative effects of environmental issues such as pollution, ozone depletion, and global warming become notable. Thus, these problems gained the attention of people around the world. Among these negative effects are development and widespread of diseases, development of skin cancer, increase in temperature, heavy rains, heavy floods, strong typhoons, and climate change. In response, organizations are created, and conventions and researches are conducted to deal with these issues. Today, as data are continuously gathered;various human activities that involve emission of gases, chemicals, and radiations are considered as one of the large contributor to environmental degradation. Such human activities include generation of electricity. However, since electricity is vital in operating technologies which advances human lives, search for clean alternative source of electricity should be conducted to prevent further degradation of the environment. II. Electricity Generation Electricity is the form of energy that has the highest demand at this point in time. This energy form is required to operate technologies that people created for life advancement. Thus, energy industries are in continuous search to supply the needed demand of electricity. Today, there are different sources from which this energy is derived. These sources include fossil fuels (petroleum and coal), nuclear energy, hydropower, solar energy, and wind energy. These sources are used to drive turbines in electric power plants which will generate electricity. Electricity generated from these sources is the one supplied in wall sockets of houses and buildings. Another source of electricity is battery, a source that is in portable form. (Bose, 2010) In the Philippines, a country that is abreast with technologies, majority of the required electricity is derived from electric power plants that are run by fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal. Moreover, batteries which are portable source of the said energy are also in use. However, emissions from such electric power plants are composed of gases which cause air pollution and contribute to global warming. Likewise, batteries have chemical components that can leak and pollute land, water and air. In addition to these negative effects to the environment, human can also acquire diseases due to said contamination. (Petrina, 2007) III. Green Electricity People are now aware of the harmful effects of conventional electricity generation to human health and environment. Consequently, efforts and time are spent in order to discover alternative green clean, natural, biological sources of electricity, an action that would minimize presence of harmful chemicals and gases in the environment. In connection to this notion, researchers have considered different plants, different parts of plants, and organisms as potential source of green electricity. (U.S Environmental Protection Agency, 2012) Basic example of green energy is electricity from fruits and vegetables. Many people, during childhood, have done classroom experiments to derive electricity from lemon and potato. Results of these experiments proved that these materials can generate electricity because juices of fruits and vegetables act as electrolytes which initiate reaction to free and move electrons. (Renico, 2012) On the other hand, another related research was conducted by scientists of Stanford University which harness electricity from algae. The concept behind this project is the process of photosynthesis involved in food production of plants. According to the scientists, in this process, electrons from water are given with high energy by sunlight. These electrons are the one the scientists captured using electrodes. (Stanford University, 2010) Lastly, researchers of Arizona State University study the possibility for bacteria to generate electricity through the use of a microbial fuel cell (MFC) which contains waste water and bacteria dwelling on the material. In this research, the persons involve relate electricity generation to metabolic activity of bacteria. (Arizona State University, 2008) IV. Malunggay Tree Malunggay (Moringa oleifera) tree, which commonly grows in tropical countries such as Philippines, is characterized by long, straight, white trunks; small, green, compound leaves; and seasonal white flowers that yields long pods. This tree propagates easily and does not require much attention. In fact, malunggay seeds or matured stem cuttings can be planted in any kind of soil and does not require regular maintenance. (Asia Green Group, 2012) In the Philippines, malunggay can be found in most household backyards because edible parts of this tree (flowers, pods, and leaves) are part of Filipino cooking. Moreover, these parts of malunggay tree provide people with vitamins and minerals needed by the body. Aside from providing nourishment, this tree also has medicinal value. Based on numerous studies, malunggay contains chemicals that have antibacterial, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory properties. (Fahey, 2005) CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY Gathering of Materials/Equipments Among the materials gathered by the researchers were malunggay (Moringa olifera) bark, gelatin powder, ethyl alcohol, filter paper, gloves, face mask, and old batteries. Equipment as well was borrowed from the school laboratory. These equipments include beakers, reagent bottles, funnel, stirring rod, thermometer, mortar and pestle, alcohol lamp, triple beam balance, strainer, tripod, and wire gauze. Collection of Zinc Plate and Carbon Rod Researchers collected old batteries. Subsequently, these batteries were uncovered and electrolyte inside was removed. Since electrolyte component of battery is composed of slightly toxic chemicals, researcher wore gloves and face mask. In this manner, zinc plates and carbon rods were obtained. Preparation of Malunggay Bark Extract A. Crude Extraction Malunggay barks were collected and cut into small pieces by the researchers. Afterwards, the barks were placed in a blender. Finally, in order to obtain pure extract, minced barks were placed in soft cloth and squeezed. B. Ethanol Extraction Malunggay barks were collected and cut into small pieces. Then, barks were placed in a blender to mince the material. Next, minced barks were oven-dried for 5 minutes and were pulverized with mortar and pestle. After this process, 100 grams of pulverized bark was placed in a reagent bottle in which 250 ml of ethyl alcohol was poured afterwards. Lastly, extract which was rested for 10 hours for purification purpose was filtered through a funnel with filter paper. Varying the Amount of Bark Extract Amount of bark extract obtained through crude and ethanol extraction was varied for each treatment. 5 ml of extract was allotted to Treatment I, 10 ml for Treatment II, and 15 ml for Treatment III. Preparation of Jelly Form of Malunggay Bark Extract In a beaker, constant volume (5 ml) of water was poured and heated to 70oC. When water reaches the specified temperature, constant amount (10 g) of gelatin powder was added into the water. Then, the solution was continuously stirred. Before the solution solidifies, the assigned amount of extract per treatment was poured without stopping the stirring process. Material was immediately removed from heat. Measuring Voltage Zinc plate and carbon rod were installed to each treatment. From these electrodes, multitester was connected to measure voltage. Measurement was done for five times. Subsequently, voltage measured from each treatment was recorded. METHODOLOGICAL FLOWCHART CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The researchers conducted several experiments. Subsequently, data and results obtained from these experiments were recorded in tabulated from in this chapter. After each table of data, interpretations of these results were discussed. In the aid of these interpretations, the researchers could have initial assessment of the hypotheses presented in this paper. Table 2.0 shows that jelly form of extract from crude extraction yielded higher amount of voltage than jelly form of extract from ethanol extraction. However, more uniform voltage reading is obtained from jelly ethanol bark extract than jelly crude bark extract; as the amount of extract increases, amount of voltage reading increases. Table 3.0 shows that both form of crude bark extract generated relatively high amount of voltage. Even so, jelly crude bark extract yielded fluctuating amount of voltage as the amount of extract increases. Table 3.1 shows that as amount of liquid ethanol bark extract increases, amount of measured voltage decreases. For jelly form of bark extract from ethanol extraction, voltage reading increases, as the amount of said extract increases. CHAPTER V SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary: This study entitled MOB Electricity: Malunggay Bark Extract as Alternative Source of Electricity aspires to prove if malunggay bark extract could be a possible source of electricity and to ascertain if there would be a significant difference when the method of extraction, form of extract, and amount of extract are varied. In order to test the feasibility of malunggay bark extract as alternative source of electricity, the researchers prepared two different set-ups and under each set-up there are three treatments. For the second set-up, amount of gelatin powder and amount of water used in each treatment were controlled. Then, voltage was measured in each treatment per set-up for five times using a multi-tester. The results obtained from different set-ups were analyzed using Two-Factor ANOVA with Replication. The results are summarized as follows: On the first set-up, statistical analysis showed that there is significant difference in the amount of voltage measured from liquid form of malunggay bark extract when method of extraction and amount of extract were varied. On the second set-up, statistical analysis showed that there is significant difference on the amount of voltage measured from jelly form of malunggay bark extract when obtained through different extraction method. Furthermore, statistically significant difference also exists on the amount of voltage reading when the amount of said form of extract was varied. Statistical analysis of Tables 3.0 and 3.1 indicate that there is significant difference on the amount of voltage measured when the form of extract and amount of extract were varied. Conclusion: Based on the results of statistical analysis and observations, the researchers conclude that malungggay bark extract could be a viable alternative source of electricity. Moreover, the people behind this study were able to discover that the 15 ml liquid form of extract obtained through crude extraction yielded the highest and most stable amount of voltage among all the treatments done. Recommendations: In this study the researchers encountered some hindrances which limited the scope of the investigation. Hence, only test for the feasibility of malunggay bark extract as an alternative source of electricity was conducted. Nonetheless, the study does not end with this objective. There are other factors related to electricity generation in malunggay bark extract that should be considered. Researchers would like to propose the following to other people who consider pursuing this project: Further increase volume of extract in order to obtain higher voltage reading. Convert the extract in a form that will facilitate easier and more stable voltage measurement. Subject the extract to chemical analysis to determine the component responsible for electricity generation. Develop a way to harness electricity from the extract.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Lost Tools of Learning :: Teaching Education
The Lost Tools of Learning "The Lost Tools of Learning" was first presented by Dorothy Sayers at Oxford in 1947. It is copyrighted by National Review, 150 East 35th Street, New York, NY 10016, and reproduced here with their permission. That I, whose experience of teaching is extremely limited, should presume to discuss education is a matter, surely, that calls for no apology. It is a kind of behavior to which the present climate of opinion is wholly favorable. Bishops air their opinions about economics; biologists, about metaphysics; inorganic chemists, about theology; the most irrelevant people are appointed to highly technical ministries; and plain, blunt men write to the papers to say that Epstein and Picasso do not know how to draw. Up to a certain point, and provided the the criticisms are made with a reasonable modesty, these activities are commendable. Too much specialization is not a good thing. There is also one excellent reason why the veriest amateur may feel entitled to have an opinion about education. For if we are not all professional teachers, we have all, at some time or another, been taught. Even if we learnt nothing--perhaps in particular if we learnt nothing--our contribution to the discussion m ay have a potential value. However, it is in the highest degree improbable that the reforms I propose will ever be carried into effect. Neither the parents, nor the training colleges, nor the examination boards, nor the boards of governors, nor the ministries of education, would countenance them for a moment. For they amount to this: that if we are to produce a society of educated people, fitted to preserve their intellectual freedom amid the complex pressures of our modern society, we must turn back the wheel of progress some four or five hundred years, to the point at which education began to lose sight of its true object, towards the end of the Middle Ages. Before you dismiss me with the appropriate phrase--reactionary, romantic, mediaevalist, laudator temporis acti (praiser of times past), or whatever tag comes first to hand--I will ask you to consider one or two miscellaneous questions that hang about at the back, perhaps, of all our minds, and occasionally pop out to worry us. When we think about the remarkably early age at which the young men went up to university in, let us say, Tudor times, and thereafter were held fit to assume responsibility for the conduct of their own affairs, are we altogether comfortable about that artificial prolongation of intellectual childhood and adolescence into the years of physical maturity which is so marked in our own day?
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Impact of Industrialization on Environment
Impact of Industrialization on Environment OVERVIEW Centuries ago, when there was no active expanding of large cities and industries, nature was able to overcome pollution and keep air fairly clean without outside help. The wind and rain in the form of natural rescuers scattered gases and washed away the dust. However, with increasing industrialization and urbanization, the nature’s system cannot cope with pollution and clean the environment naturally. In comparison with volcanoes, hurricanes, forest fires and other natural disasters, people produce much more wastes that pollute the atmosphere.Thus, the negative impact of industrialization and urbanization processes on the environment is drastic and quite far-reaching. Industrialization in the name of growth has loaded tremendous pressure on environment. Industrialization & environment in the developing countries tries to run hand to hand. But knowingly or unknowingly, industrialization ran faster without caring for environmen t to win the race. The pace of industrialization has increased several folds in last decade.Since the beginning of 19th century people have begun to actively use natural resources and intervene in the sector of biosphere – a living part of our planet. Only for the last 100 years, the development of industry has resulted in industrial processes, negative consequences that people could not even predict. Cities with a population of one million or more appeared and their expansion cannot be stopped. This is the result of great inventions and achievements of mankind. Little by little, we have changed our atmosphere and its chemistry.Nowadays factories are spread around the world and air pollution has become an integral part of our life. Effect: Industrial effluents: Effluent in the artificial sense is in general considered to be water pollution, such as the outflow from a sewage treatment facility or the waste water discharge from industrial facilities. Over 73 million days are lo st annually due to water related diseases. An effluent sump pump, for instance, pumps waste from toilets installed below a main sewage line. Waste water treatment a plant, effluent that has been treated is sometimes called secondary effluent, or treated effluent.This cleaner effluent is then used to feed the bacteria in bio-filters. A thermal power station, the output of the cooling system may be referred to as the effluent cooling water, which is noticeably warmer than the environment. Effluent only refers to liquid discharge. Polluted air: Air pollution refers to the presence of chemical, biological, and particulate matter, and pollutants in the atmosphere around the living spaces. When inhaled, it affects the human biological system, and takes a toll on the quality of life, with the onslaught of a number of respiratory tract disorders.It is a condition triggered by the presence of air-borne pollutants in the air we breathe. These pollutants could either be the result of chemical emissions or the particulate material from biological waste. The condition has reached alarming proportions in the modern world, with large-scale industrialization and vehicle-emissions being the primary culprits. The pollutants that are air-borne cause a lot of harm to humans and animals, other than permanent damage to the natural environment. Effects of Air Pollution on Humans:Cardiopulmonary Disease, Pneumonia, Premature Mortality, Heart Attack, Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Wheezing and Coughing, Acute Vascular Dysfunction, Thrombosis / Thrombus Formation, Cystic Fibrosis etc. Noise pollution: Due to the growing noise pollution and industrialization, male birds have to change their tune. Basically, to be heard above the noise of modern day living, to communicate with female birds in hopes to get together and procreate, they often have to sing at a higher pitch.The problem is this is becoming less appealing to the female birds, leaving scientists to worry about what this will eventually do to the mating and population of such birds. Greenhouse gas effect: The greenhouse effect is a process by which thermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases, and is re-radiated in all directions. Since part of this re-radiation is back towards the surface and the lower atmosphere, it results in an elevation of the average surface temperature above what it would be in the absence of the gases.Solar radiation at the frequencies of visible light largely passes through the atmosphere to warm the planetary surface, which then emits this energy at the lower frequencies of infrared thermal radiation. Infrared radiation is absorbed by greenhouse gases, which in turn re-radiate much of the energy to the surface and lower atmosphere. The mechanism is named after the effect of solar radiation passing through glass and warming a greenhouse, but the way it retains heat is fundamentally different as a greenhouse works by reducing airflow, iso lating the warm air inside the structure so that heat is not lost by convectionAs described above, World over, the industries are becoming increasingly concerned about achieving and demonstrating their environmental performance because of the growing compulsions from tough legislations and mounting public pressures. Environmental disasters such as Bhopal tragedy, Rhine pollution , Chernobyl disaster, acid rain damage ,Ozone Layer Depletion has led to growing public pressures on governments all over the world Which started imposing stringent legislation with severe penalties in environmental issues environmental & safety system.These standards do not lay down specific environmental performance criteria, these are system standards. Which describes the management of environment based on company’s environmental policy , objectives and targets defined on the basis of their significant environmental effects . Industry is becoming increasingly concerned about achieving and demonstra ting sound environmental performance because of growing compulsions from stringent legislation and Mounting public pressure. There was a time, not long ago, when the harm caused in environment due to human and industrial activities was no body’s concern.Pollutants affect not only living environment but also social, cultural, political and aesthetic values. In the recent years there is a growing alertness against this environmental pollution. On the one hand the advancements of science & Technology have added to the human comforts by giving us automobiles, electrical appliance better medicine, better chemical to control harmful insects and pest but on the Approach for Assessing Environment other hand they gave us a very serious problem to face pollution.The continued increase in the pollution coupled with the industrial revolution has had the vital impact on natural resources. The resultant deterioration of environment and fast depletion of natural resources threaten the susta inability of economic development. One of the most pressing and complex challenges facing by our generation are to search out a workable synthesis between economic development and environmental behavior. So friends we need to compromise our needs to maintain a harmony between these two entities i. e. Industry & Environment.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
I Am a Student of Nazarbayev Ntelectual School Essay
Kazakhstan is situated in Central Asia. For all Kazakhstan’s people Kazakhstan is very important, precious, beloved country, because it’s our Motherland. Our republic is washed by Caspian Sea and Aral Sea. When snow is lying in the north, fruit trees are blossomed at the foot of the mountains in the south. There are many rivers and lakes. The land in Kazakhstan is very diverse and has different types of terrains like flatlands, rock-canyons, hills, mountains and etc. The bowels of Kazakh ground is rich. We have coal, strike oil, gold, urn, lead, zinc, iron. Dombra is one of national stringed instrument. When we hear a folk air of dombra, we imagine immense steppes, free wind, and rider on dashing horse. Fifteen millions persons are lived as a united family in Kazakhstan. The population includes above one hundred twenty nationalities. Although people speak on different languages, confess different religions and have different cultures, they live in agreement. Kazakh ground is famous for her hospitableness, so why here live so different nationalities. Kazakhstan is home to a large number of talented people: Abay Kunanbaev, Mukhtar Auezov, Kanysh Satpayev, Gabit Musirepov, Saken Seyfullin, Kurmangazy, Jambyl Jabayev, among many others. When we get independent, president of new country became Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbaev. He is very wise, honest, righteous leader. Due to his diplomacy, we live in prosperity, people can speak out, the sky is always blue, and we have never wars. However I am just a teenager now, I’m planning my future, I’m dreaming to become somebody, who will develop our republic. Our work is our study, it is lying in being kind and generous, to esteem elderly persons and contemporaries, to be interested in many things. We shouldn’t leave persons in a difficult situation and without help. Of course, each person wants to be sure that his live in safe. Peace and agreement are the most important things for everybody. We are sure in our future; our president will do everything to make his nation happy. We believe him! Nation of Kazakhstan is unity. It helps to conserve peace on ancient, splendid Kazakh lands. As a result I would like to say that peace is the most important condition future prosperity. Kazakhstan is a country of big opportunities. Her development goes with great speed. Such is my Motherland: peaceable, free, rich, multinational. How we can’t love so amazing country? We pride in our history. We should devote our lives to her present for our common future.
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