Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Attributes of entrepreneur
Properties of business visionary Essay Certainty positive thlnklng is a significant advance toward progress 5. Positive scholar business visionary are sure masterminds. Riches doesn't generally go to the most shrewd or the most driven people. Persistence - when one claims who his business, there will be times when feels like the top of longing for in. 7. Definitiveness †one ought to go with his instinct and trust that he is making the best choice 8. Experience part for development †as a key 9. Data looking for †business visionary should look for data with customer and contenders, look for guidance. 10. Determination †must be eager to continue on during unpleasant occasions 11. Drive †should be completely dedicated 12. Hazard taking †favor assignments, which give them a few difficulties 13. Advancement imaginative, they get things done in new and various manners 14. Opportunity-chasing †promptly distinguishes open doors for going into or to improve his business 15. Interest for proficiency and quality †business person consistently endeavors to discover approaches to improve, quicker and at a lower cost 16. Deliberate arranging and checking †presents some framework in achlevlng his objectives by breaking this objective Into present moment and long haul objectives 11. Influence and systems administration †simple builds up a system or individual and business contacts around them Characteristics of business person. (2018, Oct 28).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Shingles and the Affects It Would Have On My Career essays
Shingles and the Affects It Would Have On My Career papers Shingles and the Affects It Would Have On My Career Shingles is a reactivation of the herpes zoster infection, which causes chicken pox. At the point when you get shingles the main thing you may see is a shivering sensation or agony on one side of your body or face. After the shivering sensation difficult skin rankles emit on just one side of your face or body along the circulation of nerves on theskin. Shingles as a rule happens along your chest, midsection, back, or face. It might likewise influence your neck, appendages, or lower back. The tainted territory is agonizing, irritated, and delicate making horrendous agony its casualty. Following half a month the rankles mend and structure scabs, like the chicken pox, the agony frequently proceeds. The profound agony that trails the disease has run its course is known as postherpetic neuralgia. Postherpetic neuralgia is nerve torment that happens when a nerve is disturbed or excited. The torment that is caused, spreads along neural pathways, will in general be ceaseless, and can go from gentle to out right unbearable.This can proceed for quite a long time or even years, particularly in more established individuals. Shingles normally happens just a single time, in spite of the fact that it has been known to recurr in certain individuals. Shingles emerge from the infection that causes chicken pox. In the wake of conquering a fight with chicken pox the infection gets lethargic in the spinal nerve cells, however can be reactivated years after the fact when an individual's invulnerable framework is stifled. The framework can be smothered by a physical, or passionate injury, or a genuine illness.Medical science doesn't comprehend why the infection becomes reactivated in certain individuals and not in others. No treatment has yet been found to forestall or stop shingles, and in spite of the fact that means can be taken to abbreviate the length, more often than not the infection should just run its course. The agony following shingles is hard to oversee and can a months ago, or in uncommon cases years. The best methodology is early and quick t ... <!
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Where are you going, where have you been (Part I)
Where are you going, where have you been (Part I) Part I: Academics You do know that MIT is unlike almost any other college in the country, right?. A few months ago I was cooking dinner with my boyfriend and he was telling me about his visit to UCSC. He had gone to see a friend from high school who was either a junior or a senior there and was blown away by the setting. Absolutely beautiful, it was exactly his kind of place, too. Full of a very wholesome, very natural beauty. Everywhere was mountains and trees and ocean and hippies. She had spent several days showing him and a few others around, introducing them to her favorite trees and caves and perches from which to view the sunset. And at night there was always something to do. Parties with friends and bonfires in true collegiate style. Wow, sounds perfect, like a movie, I said. Yeah, he thought so too, but then she said something strange. Toward the end of his visit, shed asked, What are you supposed to learn in college, anyhow? By his account she is an intelligent girl with a good head on her shoulders. Shes had a picture-perfect time at UCSC so far but couldnt shake the feeling that she was missing out on something. So she pulled him aside, at a house party I think, and said, Do you feel like youve learned anything in college? She was genuinely curious. I dont know if I have. My boyfriends a physics major, like me. He was my junior lab partner second semester, if you remember. He didnt know what to say. So he told me this, and I dropped what I was doing. Wow, I cant even imagine what thats like, I said. I realized soon after that that wasnt the case. I know exactly what thats like. To miss out on something, that is. I know all about waking up in the morning to a boston day in the spring, one of those rare ones with the power to obliterate all memory of even the tough as rocks New England winter and life is just bursting out of every crack and crevice in a great green flood. On those days Ive open my windows wide, picked out an outfit with a smile on my face, packed up my things and stepped outside in a t-shirt and my favorite skirt thinking this sun is exactly what I need so today I take the outside, round-a-bout way to the library and promise that when Im done and theres still sun, Ill walk into town or maybe Ill bike across the river, either way I need the exercise and I could use the getting away from this place. And how many days have Ive sat until my butt was sore and finally given up at 11, or 1 or 2, with these daytime thoughts long gone from my head now stuffed full of the t hings my text book says and wondering, how did it get so cold out and why didnt I bring a jacket. I look up at a black sky with a spattering of stars and I remember back to freshman year when I felt so tough and so proud that this is what Ive become, but now at this moment, Im cold, Im thinking, Man, if only I were in California. and Im moving out there as soon as I graduate. How do you know when you have to choose? I didnt know that I was choosing. How do you know, with things so bright and so bleak, that this is what you have to choose? I didnt really know what I was choosing. Then how do you know youve made the right choice? That, theres no question about that. First, I imagine what it would have been like if I had missed out on 4 relaxing, beautiful years of my youth, a 4-year party, my boyfriend called it (You do realize MIT is unlike almost any other college in the country, right?). Thats easy, because I have, so I know. I think about it and for the most part it amuses me, that I didnt have this experience. It makes me a little sad, but mostly, it makes me want to take a couple years off between college and grad school (haha). Then, I try to imagine what it would have been like to have had all that, to have been carefree, to have gone out every night, to have missed out on this education. It doesnt even compare.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Movie Review Astray By Amy Christine Parker - 1488 Words
Novel Evaluation: Astray Selection: I selected the novel Astray by Amy Christine Parker for our novel analysis. I decided to read Astray after reading the series’s first book, Gated. I first read Gated because it is on the 2015-16 SC YABA nominee list, and I wasn’t disappointed. It kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire book. When I saw Astray in the library, I really wanted to know what happened to all the characters, and if this sequel was as good as Gated, so I chose it. I would recommend this series to anyone interested in finding a novel with lots of suspense and plot twists to read. Genre: Astray falls under the genre of realistic fiction. It is set in modern times, and all the people have up to day amenities. The†¦show more content†¦Character Relations: There are not many characters in Astray that I relate to. I do not face the conflicts and the same circumstances as the characters in the novel. However, I can relate to Lyla Hamilton and Taylor, the sheriff’s daughter and Cody’s sister. I relate to Lyla because she must make decisions that affect her future, and how occasionally, she must convince herself on what to think or do. I too execute decisions that affect my future; in fact, I do this every second of the day. A second way I relate to Lyla is when I periodically convince myself to at attention in school, or clean my room. Similarly, another character I can identify with is Taylor. Taylor expressed an opinion, and instantly regretted it, and I have done that too. Though I cannot relate to many characters in Astray, I can relate to at l east two: Lyla Hamilton and Taylor. Literary Strengths / Weaknesses: Astray by Amy Christine Collins is the sequel to the book Gated. Lyla Hamilton is a 17 year old girl that joined a gated community that is prepared for the apocalypse. After her sister was kidnaped from her family’s front yard in New York 12 years ago, the leader of the Community, Pioneer, contacted them and they joined the Community. Life was perfectly in place with Pioneer’s visions from the ancient aliens called the Brethren, until Lyla meets an
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Analysis of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde...
Analysis of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson In an attempt to consider the duality tale, one narrative inevitably finds its way to the top of the heap as the supreme archetype: Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Immense disagreement permeates the pages of literary criticism relevant to the meaning of the story. Yet, for all of the wrangling focused on the psychology, morality, spirituality, and sociality of the story, it has remained, since 1886, a novella that according to the Reverend W. J. Dawson, gives Stevenson â€Å"a place apart, and high above all contemporaries, as an interpreter of the deepest things of the soul†(qtd. in Abbey 318). Not content to merely†¦show more content†¦He was determined to be more a man of letters than of numbers and ultimately broke out of the engineering/law mold and devoted himself to the written word. Stevenson was first published in 1876, in his mid-twenties, as his essays began to appear in Cornhill Magazine (Columbia). His work was first published in book form in 1878 when the travel story An Inland Voyage was made available to English readers. After his marriage in 1880 to Frances Osbourne (known to him as Fanny), Stevenson’s popularity grew with the publication of Treasure Island (1883) and A Child’s Garden of Verses (1885), a volume never out of print. His financial success, however, was secured in 1886 with the novels Kidnapped and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Jekyll and Hyde had originally belonged to a genre known as the shilling shocker (Stephen 1137). But soon after its publication, the public learned that Stevenson was not merely a writer of adventure romances and children’s rhymes. In a letter to W. H. Low, in January of 1886, Stevenson had referred to his novella as a Gothic Gnome (qtd. in Abbey 311). And in this gnome of prose the public experienced the literary prowess of an author who could take a theme as profound as the dual nature of man, one that had been a part of western thinking since at least the Apostle Paul[1], andShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde, By Robert Louis Stevenson1323 Words  | 6 Pagesdirectly represented in the literature of the time. An excellent example is, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, by Robert Louis Stevenson, which gives a direct image of what Victorian era was like with his writing style as well as the story itself. Specifically, Steve nson portrays exactly how Victorian social life commenced as well as displays the main points of social standards of the time. Robert Louis Stevenson uses individual characters in the novella to accurately depict how people protectedRead MoreLiterary Analysis of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde†by Robert Louis Stevenson1530 Words  | 7 Pageslocation in the 1800’s during the Victorian era in this novel. As the story unfolds in the classic literature novel, â€Å"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde†written by Robert Louis Stevenson, the magnificent city of London becomes a darker and mysterious location. The powerful city of London embodied the freedom and solitude required for the antagonist of the story, Mr. Hyde to hide his wicked behavior from the society as a whole. According to the history of the Victorian age, â€Å"Traditional waysRead MoreIdeas Of Good And Evil Follow From The Earliest Of Days.847 Words  | 4 Pagesfollow fr om the earliest of days. Robert Louis Stevenson’s parents lived devout in their Christianity, but Stevenson did not follow their ideas. G.B. Stern suggests that â€Å"Although he had rejected the Calvinist doctrines his parents taught him, the focus of the interplay of good and evil continued to influence his imagination†(Stern). Stevenson forced his parents away, but their ideas stayed in his thoughts and even affected The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. His past affected his writingRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1675 Words  | 7 PagesThe Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay Robert Louis Stevenson’s novella, â€Å"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,†is a type of Gothic literature. In the beginning of the story when Stevenson is describing the lawyer, one â€Å"Mr. Utterson,†the mood is a bit dull. At first glance the reader may think that this story would be a bit boring and drab. Stevenson’s story is far from being another dull piece of British English literature. The setting and mood of this novella are more complexRead MoreAn Analysis Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde1729 Words  | 7 PagesTaking a Closer Look into the Story and Author of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Nothing Mr. Stevenson has written as yet has so strongly impressed us with the versatility of his very original genius. An anonymous review in â€Å"The Times†noted Robert Louis Stevenson for his intelligence in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The review continued with saying that the story, be read as a finished study in the art of fantastic literature. Whoever was the anonymous person to state these things aboutRead MoreThe Importance Of Being Earnest By Oscar Wilde1009 Words  | 5 PagesThe play The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde and the novella The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson showcase the Victorian era. With memorable characters like Aunt Augusta, accustomed to tea time and addicted to her cucumber sandwiches, and the loveable Dr. Jekyll, driven by his own devilish work, one is almost able to hear the trotting of horses with carriages on cobblestone streets. While the thought of high society and misty mor nings is appealing, bothRead MoreDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: A View Into Societal Changes in the 19th Century1398 Words  | 6 PagesRobert Louis Stevenson was born on November 13, 1850, in the city of Edinburgh, Scotland. Throughout his childhood he was told morbid tales from the Bible, as well as Victorian penny-serial novels that he would carry with him throughout his years and what would place the greatest impact on his writing.[1] In 1886, he published a novel, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, based on a man with pure intentions, who ends up turning himself into a viscous murderer. Dr. Henry Jekyll is a well-knownRead MoreAnalysis of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Essay557 Words  | 3 PagesAnalysis of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Everyone has heard of Jekyll and Hyde. The two infamous characters that portray the main roles in The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde. Yet, even with this phenomenal status of the book, surprisingly, not many people know what is really represented inside its pages. Firstly, to understand what made The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde a classical story known by young and old alike, we must look at where it began. AsRead MoreCharacter Analysis On Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde.Jean Paul1213 Words  | 5 PagesCharacter Analysis on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Jean Paul Richter defines doppelgà ¤ngers as â€Å"people who see themselves.†One would think that such would be the case for the two main characters in the book The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, but it is quite the opposite (until the end of the novel when the reader finds out that the two main characters are in fact one). Dr. Jekyll creates Mr. Hyde in the hopes of expelling evilness and temptation from himself,Read MoreDr. Jekyll s Death Or Disappearance Essay1218 Words  | 5 Pagesexamines Dr. Jekyll s will, which he remembers had strange stipulations referring to the Mr. Hyde Enfield discussed. The will provides that in the case of Henry Jekyll s death or disappearance, all of his possessions should be given to the Edward Hyde. Utterson was uncomfortable when Jekyll originally requested this stipulation, and is further upset by it after hearing of Mr. Hyde s despicable behavior. After considering the implications of the will with what he has learned about Edward Hyde, Utterson
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Working in teams Free Essays
When working in teams there are many factors that can lead to success or failure to achieving the goals of the team. Understanding the objective, having the proper resources, and trust within the team are some. Having trust is one of the most important factors in team success. We will write a custom essay sample on Working in teams or any similar topic only for you Order Now Trust within the team can lead to everyone being comfortable knowing the project will be accomplished and knowing assigned parts will be completed. Distrust within the team can lead to personal problems and can hinder the project not being completed. Working on teams can be very stressful. A team member has to meet the team, discuss the project, figure out who will do what part of the project, and manage your normal tasks at work while completing the new work that is associated with the team project. Stress is added automatically because a team member would naturally want to do a good job on the team project and that people are going to rely on you to complete your part but you also have to worry that the others on the team are going to do their part. Distrust on a team can lead to many problems. Not having trust in your team can lead to arguments within the team and not being able to work with that person or even the entire group. Distrust can lead to a person doing his part of the assigned project and can also lead to that person doing other parts of the project not assigned to them causing friction. Another possible result from having distrust in the team dynamic is the ability to influence others. A person with influence can bring doubt in the group or persuade others to have doubt in one or more people on the team that could result in the team turning a person or even getting a person or persons thrown out of the group. To answer the question is trust assumed or is it earned within a team. Ruth H. Axelrod answered the question by researching various philosophers and professors and they all noted a person has to have the following traits to garner trust. Ruth’s discoveries say trust has to be earned. She noted one has to show good character, honesty, integrity, must be dependable, and must be reliable. These findings were published in her paper Deciding To Trust a Stranger. I agree that trust has to be earned. It is good to come to a team project with an open mind and no preconceived thoughts but everyone in the team will still have to show they can pull his or her weight and work as a team. Trust can lost be lost while working on a team very easily. One simple mishap like not showing up for a scheduled meeting or not being prepared can cause the team to lose trust within an individual. Always being present to a scheduled meeting is very important. Missing a meeting could lead to missing an important update or new deadline for the project. Not being prepared shows the team you are not engaged in the project, the work assigned to you is too much for you to handle, or you simply do not care for the project or the others on your team. It is easy to keep trust among your team. If you do you what is asked and expected of you the team will have trust in you. If you treat everyone with respect and provide support the team will trust you. Taken from the paper again, if a person shows the qualities of being dependable, being reliable, and having integrity trust will be maintained within the team. How to cite Working in teams, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Mrs. Hale Different but Equal
Inequalities between men and women turn out to be one of the most controversial topics to discuss in any forum. There are many powerful literary characters which help us to understand the essence of these differences, and one of them is Mrs. Hale in Susan Glaspell’s Trifles. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Mrs. Hale: Different but Equal – Legitimate Gender Differences specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this play, the character of Mrs. Hale helps the reader look at gender differences and consider whether the characteristics by which genders are differentiated are legitimate. Mrs. Hale proves that there are situations that benefit from evaluation from different perspectives, and a female point of view may be not just of equal importance but in fact in some circumstances more important, than the male. At the beginning of the play, the role of Mrs. Hale is portrayed as insignificant. Her presence in t he room is dismissed by the men and the stage directions â€Å"The women have come in slowly, and stand close to the door.†(Glaspell 668). The authority and domination of the men is evident. The women characters have no lines until well into the fourth page of the play. Male domination is made evident by an off handed comment made by Mr. Hale. â€Å"I was going to see if I can’t get John Wright to go in with me on a party telephone. I thought maybe if I went to the house and talked about it before his wife, though I didn’t know as what this wife wanted made much difference to Johnâ€â€.†(668) Although Mr. Hale charges that â€Å"women are used to worrying over trifles.†(670), it quickly becomes evident to the reader that, albeit a gross generality, the natural attention to detail, instinct, intuition, sympathy and empathy possessed by women will be a critical factor is revealing what really happened at the Wright farm. We discover, only thro ugh Mrs. Hale’s keen observations and extrapolation of meaning through the use of her instinct and intuition, that there are many pieces of evidence in the house to confirm the murderer, the motives and perhaps even the justification. She finds the broken birdcage and with her intimate knowledge of the vibrant Minnie Foster â€Å"She used to wear pretty cloths and be lively, one of the town girls singing in the choir.†(672) and the cold John Wright â€Å"I stayed away because it weren’t cheerful –†¦Wright out to work all day, and no company when he did come in. †¦he was a hard man†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (675), she pieces together a credible mosaic of circumstances that brings into focus for the reader what likely happened at the Wright farm. In fact, the songbird in the play is one of the most captivating symbols for the feminine. Mrs. Wright could be seen as a songbird in a cage created by her husband from which she could never escape, except through death. In her case the death of her captor. Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It’s only fitting that Mrs. Hale can intuitively see this connection even though she may not express it in those exact terms. This ability is something that is quite possibly outside the realm and possibility of a stereotypical male thought process, certainly a typical patriarchal male of the time. Works Cited Glaspell, Susan. â€Å"Trifles.†Backpack Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Ed. X.J. Kennedy Dana Gioia. New York: Pearson Longman, 2006. 570 – 583. This essay on Mrs. Hale: Different but Equal – Legitimate Gender Differences was written and submitted by user Kas0n to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Essay on Progressives
Essay on Progressives Essay on Progressives Essay on ProgressivesThe Progressive Movement of the first two decades of the twentieth century had some specific characteristics. The core principles of the Progressive Movement include the growth of American civic nationalism, democracy, patriotism, support for the colonial rule, transformation of society (Bowles, 2011). American In my opinion, the most significant successes of Progressivism were social changes, economic and educational opportunities, public policies and progressive reforms, democratic changes, increased role of government, while the most significant failures were poverty, expansion of racial segregation, and improper measures to address economic depression. In other words, there were some specific economic, social, and political problems that the Progressives sought to address through political liberalism and direct-democracy policies and reforms (The progressive era, 2002). They approached these issues at the local and national levels in different ways, placing e mphasis on federalism and state’s rights. Progressives were not successful in implementing their reforms, e.g. school reform and rapid industrialization reforms, which had some weak points (corruption, poverty). Some variations within Progressivism include the differing agendas of white and black Progressives. The success of specific Progressive policies and approaches were concluded in various social and economic reforms, such as worker’s compensation reform, adoption of laws, which restrict child labor, and minimum wage legislation reform, political reforms (e.g. referendum, reduction of the power of political parties, etc.). The First World War had a strong impact on Progressivism. At the same time, Progressivism affected the First World War by the democratic approach to social and economic reforms, the foreign policy approach. America’s participation in the First World War was based on the idea to make the world open to democracy and stop war actions across the world. Riis (1914) suggests in his book of photography that working class people’s lives in New York were influenced by the war.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Auschwitz Facts
Auschwitz Facts Auschwitz, the largest and deadliest camp in the Nazi concentration and death camp system, was located in and around the small town of Oswiecim, Poland (37 miles west of Krakow). The complex consisted of three large camps and 45 smaller sub-camps. The Main Camp, also known as Auschwitz I, was established in April 1940 and was primarily used to house prisoners who were forced laborers. Auschwitz-Birkenau, also known as Auschwitz II, was located less than two miles away. It was established in October 1941 and was used as both a concentration and death camp. Buna-Monowitz, also known as Auschwitz III and â€Å"Buna,†was established in October 1942. Its purpose was to house laborers for neighboring industrial facilities. In total, it is estimated that 1.1 million of the 1.3 million individuals deported to Auschwitz were killed. The Soviet Army liberated the Auschwitz complex on January 27, 1945. Auschwitz I – Main Camp The initial environs where the camp was created had formerly been a Polish army barracks.The first prisoners were primarily Germans, transferred from the Sachsenhausen Camp (near Berlin) and Polish political prisoners transferred from Dachau and Tarnow.Auschwitz I had a single gas chamber and crematorium; however, it was not heavily utilized. After Auschwitz-Birkenau became operational, the facility was turned into a bomb shelter for Nazi officials who were located in offices in the vicinity.At its peak, Auschwitz I contained over 18,000 prisoners – mostly men.Prisoners in all of the Auschwitz camps were forced to wear striped attire and have their heads shaved. The latter was presumably for sanitation but also served the purpose of dehumanizing the victims. As the Eastern Front came closer, the striped uniforms often fell by the wayside and other attire was substituted.All of the Auschwitz camps implemented a tattoo system for prisoners who remained in the camp syste m. This differed from other camps which often required the number on the uniform only. Block 10 was known as the â€Å"Krankenbau†or hospital barrack. It had blacked out windows on the first floor to hide evidence of medical experiments that were being performed on prisoners within the building by doctors such as Josef Mengele and Carl Clauberg.Block 11 was the camp prison. The basement contained the first experimental gas chamber, which was tested on Soviet prisoners of war. Between Blocks 10 and 11, a closed courtyard contained an execution wall (the â€Å"Black Wall†), where prisoners were shot.The infamous â€Å"Arbeit Macht Frei†(â€Å"Work Shall Set You Free†) gate stands at the entrance of Auschwitz I.Camp Commandant Rudolf Hoess was hanged just outside Auschwitz I on April 16, 1947. Auschwitz II Auschwitz Birkenau Built in an open, swampy field less than two miles from Auschwitz I and across the main set of railroad tracks.Construction on the camp initially began in October 1941 with the initial intended purpose of being a camp for 125,000 prisoners of war.Birkenau had approximately 1.1 million people pass through its gates during its nearly three-year existence.When individuals arrived in Auschwitz-Birkenau, they were forced to undergo a Selektion, or sorting process, in which healthy adult persons who were desired for work were permitted to live while the remaining elderly, children and ill people were taken directly to the gas chambers.90% of all individuals who entered Birkenau perished – an estimated 1 million people total.9 out of every 10 people killed in Birkenau were Jewish.Over 50,000 Polish prisoners died in Birkenau and nearly 20,000 Gypsies.Separate camps were established within Birkenau for Jews from Theresienstadt and Gypsies. The former was established in the event of a Red Cross visit but was liquidated in July 1944 when it was evident that this visit would not occur. In May 1944, a train spur was built into the camp to aid with the processing of the Hungarian Jews. Prior to this point, victims were unloaded at a rail station between Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II.Birkenau contained four, large, gas chambers, each of which could kill up to 6,000 individuals per day. These gas chambers were attached to crematoriums that would burn the masses of dead bodies. The gas chambers were disguised as shower facilities to deceive the victims in order to keep them calm and cooperative throughout the process.The gas chambers utilized pruissic acid, trade name â€Å"Zyklon B.† This gas was commonly known as a pesticide in orchards and for prisoner clothing.A portion of the camp, â€Å"F Lager,†was a medical facility that was used for experiments as well as limited medical treatment of camp prisoners. It was staffed by Jewish prisoner-doctors and staff, as well as Nazi medical staff. The latter was primarily focused on experimentation.Pr isoners in the camp often named sections of the camp themselves. For example, the warehousing portion of the camp was known as â€Å"Kanada.† An area slated for camp expansion that was swampy and mosquito-ridden was called â€Å"Mexico.†An uprising occurred in Birkenau in October 1944. Two of the crematoriums were destroyed during the uprising. It was staged largely by members of Sonderkommando in Crematoriums 2 and 4. (The Sonderkommando were groups of prisoners, mainly Jewish, who were forced to staff the gas chambers and crematoriums. They received better food and treatment in return, but the gruesome, heartbreaking work caused them to have a four-month turnover rate, on average, before meeting the same fate as the victims they processed.) Auschwitz III Buna-Monowitz Located several miles from the main complex, Auschwitz III bordered the town of Monowice, home of the Buna synthetic rubber works.The initial purpose for the camp’s establishment in October 1942 was to house laborers who were leased out to the rubber works. Much of its initial construction was funded by IG Farben, a company that benefited from this slave labor.Also contained a special Labor Education Department to reeducate non-Jewish prisoners who did not follow camp structure and policy.Monowitz, like Auschwitz I and Birkenau, was surrounded by electrified barbed wire.Elie Wiesel spent time in this camp after being processed through Birkenau with his father. The Auschwitz complex was the most notorious in the Nazi camp system. Today, it is a museum and educational center that hosts over 1 million visitors annually.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Sustainable Operations Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Sustainable Operations Paper - Essay Example Soon companies started realizing that profits and profitability are not the only factors of long term development but future of the people and the planet are also key elements for sustainable operations. Hence, these new objectives were classified as the triple bottom line (3BL) which included the three P’s of people, profit and planet. After all the recent developments and expansions, people have started to ask for more than mere salaries and profits. They now emphasize on factors like improved performance on environmental, health and safety issues. So now Wal-Mart has to make the decision of investing in such activities of environmental and health concerns and how do follow them in the most efficient and cost effective method. Wal-Mart, 2009. Media OnSugar [http://media.onsugar.com/files/ons4/2009/12/53/307/3075777/e343f2c5ac55a097_350px-Sustainable_development.svg.xlarge.jpg] â€Å"At Wal-Mart, we know that being an efficient and profitable business and being a good stewar d of the environment are goals that can work together. Our broad environmental goals at Wal-Mart are simple and straightforward: To be supplied 100 percent by renewable energy; To create zero waste; To sell products that sustains people and the environment. Our efforts have been recognized through numerous awards, which would not be possible without the support of our customers, associates and communities around the world.†(Wal-mart, 2012) Wal-Mart launched a global business strategy of sustainability to lessen the business’s burden on the global environment and hence become one of the leading supply-chain companies in the world. They aimed to be named as the most competitive and innovative company in the world. The emphasis was then on the fact that objective of profitability was going to be taken along with the implementation of development of the environment. (Wal-Mart, 2012) The management at Wal-Mart knew that they had to carry the program of improvement of env ironment along with business profitability to gain sustainable operations and growth in longer term. Wal-Mart hired a popular firm, Blu Skye for an overall analysis of the environmental impact and for consultation on issues related to sustainability in the globalized world. Wal-Mart collaborated with other companies as well which included; Conservation International (CI) and Environmental Defense (ED). ( Farfan, 2011) The team of Wal-Mart executives had identified 3 primary areas of environmental goals which mainly included; energy, waste and products. All these are divided into two sections; direct goals and indirect goals. Direct goals include increasing energy efficiency, transitioning to renewable energy and reducing waste in retail operations. All these were in immediate control of Wal-Mart and can be classified as primary factors. Indirect goals included basic operations and relationship with the suppliers. They focused more on sustainable operations and entire value chain of Wal-Mart. (Herrera, 2010) All the sustainable operations drive led by the management of Wal-Mart was highly confused as being more of philanthropist nature. After serious concerns and meeting, the idea was brought into the mind of many who were confused to clear all the misconceptions about the business handling being carried out. They stated that all the business activity carried out by Wal-Mart was not
Sunday, February 2, 2020
MACROECONOMICS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
MACROECONOMICS - Assignment Example In economics, the guiding principle is to never lose, every amount of money leaving ones coffers must always earn more to the business. This increased influx of money is likely to lower the interest rates in the current market. Interest refers to the additional value that money earns especially from debtors. Money lending is a big business opportunity for banks; they give out money and retain a security which could be in the form of a motor vehicle logbook or a land title deed. When the debtor pays the money back to the bank, he pays a little more, the additional amount is referred top as the interest and is the profit that the banks get from such risky undertakings. Incase the debtor fails to re-service the loan; the security is sold to meet the defaulted amount. The policy is aimed at making the bank having more capital base and liberalizing ther money market. By increasing the amount of money the economy becomes more stable, however, this must be done very cautiously to avoid instances of devaluation. Devaluation of currency is a case in which the value of an amount is lowered. This is different from recession in which more money equally purchases very little in that this is done by the government knowingly with an aim of later strengthening the economy from some of the benefit it tags along. Recession has no benefit whatsoever and is in fact a portrayal of an economic crisis (Miller 133). The figure represents some miss-measurements since just as stated; the resultant figure should be zero. The economies in the world are self fulfilling, some could be very poor like that in Zimbabwe while others could be very strong such as the American but when al these are totaled up, the resultant figure is a zero and a failure to get a zero reflects discrepancies. The pattern is very clear, the developed countries are lending while the developing countries are borrowing. Borrowing is a sign of weakness and plays an integral role in the
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Junction Australia Services Analysis
Junction Australia Services Analysis Junction Australia (JA) is a leading independent provider which offers community support and housing services. Their goal is to strengthen lives and communities in Australia. Key features offered at Junction Australia: Children and Youth Junction Australia has numerous programmes available to help youths in crisis, or struggling with their lives. Nexus is a programme available for 6-10 year olds who may be exhibiting harmful or negative behaviours, or are having problems in school. Nexus builds on the childs communication skills, problem solving, and social skills. They support the child at their home, school and community environment, to ensure the childs overall well-being. Parent and adolescent counselling is available for 12-18 year olds and their families. The aim is to reduce conflict in families, who are experiencing challenges. The program hopes to prevent the families from further break down, and the possibility of youth homelessness. Youth connectedness program offers group activities and one-to-one- mentoring, for all children and young people who reside with JA, under the Guardianship of the Minister. The programs aim is to improve social skills and personal development. Flexible learning outcomes support children to improve school attendance and educational outcomes throughout the Onkaparinga and Lower Fleurieu regions. Supported accommodation program assists young people and children who are homeless. One of their accommodation programmes; Junction House, support up to eight homeless youths at a time. When living at Junction House, the youths need to learn independent living skills, and engage in a form of educational pathway. This accommodation is short-term, offering a three to sixth month stay. During their stay the youths will be supported to re-connect with their communities, and arrange for a longer term home. Education House offers three secondary students or older, supported accommodation whilst they finish their studies at school, or higher education facility. The support offered involves day-to-day essentials and running a home. Next step house is a shared accommodation for three young people who have previously lived in Junction House, and are ready to live more independently. For this program to be successful, structured support is continued for day to day living. This gives the young person the greatest success of developing their abilities to live independently, and the best chance at not becoming homeless again in their future. Specialist youth homelessness programme; The Outer Southern Youth Homelessness Service (OSYHS) supports youths to transition to independent living. Young people, aged between 16 and 25 years old who are currently homeless, transient or at risk of homelessness, can be referred to OSYHS to discuss their situation with an outreach employee (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). Therapeutic Support Service Accommodation (TSS) is for children and young people who under are the Guardianship of the Minister. The houses comprise of emergency care, and short term care, through to long term and respite care. The children are given stability and individual holistic care. Families Junction Australia offers support to struggling families in South Australia through these programmes. Effective parenting program provides a parenting course targeted at support for families to develop current parenting skills, and encourage healthy, and successful family life. Whos in charge, is a program designed to support parents and family members, who are being abused by a child or adolescent in their family (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). Step Up for SA program offers a thirteen week group program were parents and adolescent come together. The program uses the Cognitive Behavioural model and Restorative Practices, to build skills in responsibility, accountability, and family safety. Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island Domestic Violence Service is an outreach program providing case management to support women and children, living with, or escaping from family and domestic violence. The program provides counselling, safety action plans, and support finding alternative accommodation. Specialist homelessness service program is situated in Southern Fleurieu Peninsula and Kangaroo Island. The Fleurieu KI Homelessness Support Services (FHSS and KIHSS) are outreach programs which provide short to medium term support, for families and individuals who are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless. Intensive tenancy support program is for families, couples or individuals living in the Onkaparinga region, living in Housing SA accommodation, who are at risk of eviction or are in crisis (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). Counselling services Sexual abuse counselling service offers support to individuals and families to cope with the impact and trauma of sexual abuse. This service also offers information on keeping children and youths safe, and referrals to other relevant programs and organisations. Parent and adolescent counselling, and effective parenting courses; as discussed earlier, are offered under the services of counsellors at Junction Australia (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). Homelessness The Outer and Inner Southern Generic Homelessness Service is a joint partnership between Lutheran Community Care and Junction Australia. It is funded by the National Affordable Housing Agreement. This program provides supported housing to people living in the outer and inner southern areas of Adelaide. Support is given through referrals to other agencies, advocacy and future housing applications and grants. Supported housing programs Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island Domestic Violence Service The Fleurieu KI Homelessness Support Services (FHSS and KIHSS) The Outer Southern Youth Homelessness Service (OSYHS) Junction House Next step Education house (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). The six programs above have all been discussed earlier in this paper. Community Participation Community Connections Hackham Centre provides programs and opportunities for residents and their families which live in the Onkaparinga area. The program offers a wide range of services from crà ¨che, playgroups, and parenting courses. From cooking, financial budgeting, to workplace advice. Kangaroo Island Community Centre is a collaborative centre which enables Junction Australia to work with other community and government agencies. It offers a varied range of support and intervention services. Volunteers are able to get involved with a diverse range of programs in the community (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). Specialist Support The exceptional needs program delivers intensive outreach support to clients with numerous high, and complex needs. Clients may have numerus diagnoses. These might include psychiatric, mental health or physical disabilities. They might also consist of alcohol and drug use, plus homelessness, or risk of homelessness. Because of the clients multifaceted needs, they may not readily be able to access conventional supports. Emergency relief program offers clients in crisis, emergency assistance with food vouchers, food parcels, and household goods. The program also helps with financial budgeting and referrals to other agencies. Hoarding and squalor services give information to assist people to navigate services and strategies when dealing with squalor (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). Housing Services Junction Womens Housing (JWH) manages 17,000 homes across South Australia. They help low to middle income families, and women escaping domestic violence. JWH aim to empower their tenants and their communities. They aim to generate safe environments, and sustainable homes, for tenants to be able to live, work and thrive in their communities. Housing options available dependent on client criteria Community housing National affordable rental scheme Supported social housing Supported tenancy scheme Housing and urban development HomeABILITY strategy (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). Consider the clients need and difficulties. How might this client be helped by the programs offered by Junction Australia? Also which other organisations will be a good source for referrals? The client Jane is a 28 year old mother of two children; Connor a 12 year old boy, and Summer a 7 year old girl. They are currently in crisis, are homeless, and escaping from domestic violence. Both children are not coping with their environment and are exhibiting traumatised behaviour. Unfortunately Junction Australia do not offer crisis accommodation to homeless women and children. Jane and her children need an immediate referral to Bramwell House, which is maintained by the Salvation Army (Salvationarmyorgau, 2017). It offers emergency accommodation for women and children escaping domestic violence and who are homeless. This will enable the family to live in a safe environment whilst accessing programs at JA. Jane needs to be referred through the Domestic Violence Crisis Service (SA), which is a Family Relationship telephone assessment and advice referral service, funded by the South Australian government (Familyrelationshipsgovau, 2017). Once accommodation has been sourced, JA have a Specialist Support Intensive outreach program for clients with complex needs. Jane has complex needs; she has previously been addicted to the drug ice, is now struggling with alcohol use, and smokes weed for chronic pain. In the past Jane has had suicidal thoughts, and was diagnosed with depression several times. She is exhibiting signs of depression presently. This outreach program offers the right support for Janes immediate requirements. Jane and Connor would also be able to access the parent and adolescent counselling service together, and Step Up for SA, which teaches young people about the impact of their violence towards family members, in a group setting. Whos in Charge?, is a second program which aims to empower parents, provide strategies to use with their aggressive child, and reduce parental guilt. Janes daughter Summer, requires a referral to support her emotional trauma and attachment issues which she is displaying. Together 4 Kids is a child focused, individualised support program, run by Relationships Australia. The program supports young childrens mental wellbeing and development. They help children cope with transitions, homelessness, and an understanding of their experiences (Rasaorgau, 2017). Jane is the single mother of a low income family, escaping domestic violence, and is homeless with ongoing mental health issues. Based on JA criterias, Jane will be eligible for housing and support to acquire mid-term, and long-term housing through Junction Womens Housing (JWH), which is Junction Australias registered community housing provider (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017).
Friday, January 17, 2020
Alcoholic abuse Essay
The cause of alcohol abuse occurs when one becomes stressed, depressed, or peer pressured. Alcohol abuse is very common in today’s society. Most abusers are blinded to the fact that they are abusing. Abusers take a big risk with their lives when addicted to alcohol. Stress can lead to being an alcohol abuser; when people become stress, they tend to want an addiction to help them. Most people think alcohol is the key for relieving stress. One will want alcohol when being stress over work, family issues, and life. Work is a very stressful environment; one will feel overwhelmed, when dealing with co-workers. People need to settle their differences aside when working together. One will also become stress, when over worked to many hours. The economy today is very low; people now work more than one job, which can be very stressful. Family issues in today’s society have become a struggle in life. Everyone has family issues some have it worse, which can lead to drinking. One will become stress when arguing with a family member. One may also have a genetic gene in alcoholism. One may have grown up with an alcohol abuser. Life in general is stressful, which can lead to alcohol addiction. Most alcohol abusers start drinking little amount each day, which will lead to becoming an alcoholic. One will be stress with school, while holding a job. That will make some people very stress, and vulnerable in drinking alcohol. Depression is a very strong cause of becoming an alcoholic. People become depressed when dealing with relationships, bullying, and financial problems. Relationships will make one very depress. When one cheats on their spouse will lead people to alcohol. When one gets a divorce or splits up that will cause alcohol abusers. Bullying in today’s society has become very brutal. Most teens are being bullied, which will cause depression. Most teens being depress will cause drugs, and alcohol abuse. Being bullied can also lead to death. Financial problems are another common cause to become depress. People in today’s society have become broke, due to the economy. One may become depress by spending money on alcohol, and then one will have no money for other things. Alcohol abusers will become depress, when they have no money for more alcohol. One may become an alcohol abuser, by being peered pressured. In today’s society young teens will get addicted to alcohol. One will get peered pressure at school, parties, and wrong crowd. One may be peered pressure at school to drink alcohol. Teens today are bringing alcohol to school and skipping class and getting drunk. One may also skip school to go and drink alcohol. One may be peered pressure at parties. Most teens go to parties every weekend, and get drunk, which will make one become an alcohol abuser. Students in college in today’s society are looked as a party school. College students have phrat parties and one may become addicted to alcohol, or even worse dead. One may be hanging with the wrong crowds, which can make one have an addiction. People get influence by peers to make bad decisions. One will feel peered pressure by their friends thinking it is ok to drink. Most young teens don’t understand that drinking is dangerous. Alcohol abuse is really bad when a pregnant woman is addicted to alcohol. One may kill their unborn child, or the child can come out with medical problems. Studies have also showed that most people with ADHD will become alcohol abusers. Alcohol is a very serious addiction; one may feel like alcohol is helping them to recover. Alcohol abusers need help, before it gets too late. One needs to realize that there are better ways of coping stress, depression, peered pressure, etc. Alcohol abusers will need support with their family and friends, to overcome their addiction.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Wal-Mart Pro and Cons - 1379 Words
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (or Walmart as written in its new logo) is an American public corporation that runs a chain of large, discount department stores. It is the worlds largest public corporation by revenue, according to the 2008 Fortune Global 500.[5] Founded by Sam Walton in 1962, it was incorporated on October 31, 1969, and listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1972. It is the largest private employer in the world and the fourth largest utility or commercial employer, trailing the British National Health Service, and the Indian Railways. Wal-Mart is the largest grocery retailer in the United States, with an estimated 20% of the retail grocery and consumables business. It also owns and operates the North American company, Sams Club.†¦show more content†¦The truth is the Wal-Mart save customer’s time because people can buy their needs in one store and they do not need to move from store to store to buy their needs. Wal-Marts goal was to be a good steward for the environment and ultimately use only renewable energy sources and produce zero waste. Despite much criticism of its environmental record, Wal-Mart took a few steps in what is viewed as a positive direction, which included becoming the biggest seller of organic milk and the biggest buyer of organic cotton in the world, as well as reducing packaging and energy costs. Wal-Mart also spent nearly a year working with outside consultants to discover the companys total environmental impact and find where they could improve Wal-mart also does a lot to help the communities it builds in by supplying jobs, paying taxes, that can be used to develop small towns, and donating to charity. Wal-mart also contributes to communities by funding education awards and scholarships, child-oriented programs, and environmental causes. Others Benefit †¢ Several reasons that Wal-Mart wants to expand its business are wanting the distribution of merchandise and spreading its customer base to increase their profit. †¢ Wal-Mart will provide a new and substantial source of tax revenue for the local community †¢ Wal-Mart will provide a significant number of jobs for the residents in the area †¢ Wal-MartShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Pros and Cons of Wal-Mart1656 Words  | 7 Pagesknows, much like the post office or even city hall. Wal-Mart. That is where the oddity lies, in the fact that a retail store is just as well known as staples for towns across the nation; not to mention the fact that Wal-Mart isn’t just in the United States, but around the world. Founder of the billion dollar industry, Sam Walton, did expect success from his endeavor, but no one could have foreseen just how influential the retail store would be. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
How to Find Ideas for Political Science Research Paper
How to Find Ideas for Political Science Research Paper? Political science is one of the most complicated social disciplines for students. It deals both with political theory and practice, analysis of political behavior. In order to create well reasoned political science research paper, you need to choose subject you understand well to develop a social-oriented research at a deep level. It is more difficult to write, than an essay, because you must cover political topic and back it up with properly referenced arguments. Here are some tips concerning political science research paper ideas. First of all, try to choose a topic you are interested in. You will conduct a time-consuming research, so if you are enthusiastic about the topic, you will write and research in more effective way. Be realistic. If you have problems with approaching strangers with questionnaire, choose subject that will demand other kind of research. Avoid your weak sides. Instead, try to benefit from the strong ones. Choose the type of research that is more appropriate for you. Somebody might enjoy field researches, others prefer working in a lab. There are different projects in political science, some of them will demand statistical analysis, others will expect from you deep book research. Check the facilities your college offers. You need to count your time and resources. Choosing topic you must keep in your mind that it should be broad enough to guarantee that you have enough data and at the same time narrow enough to increase the amount of time at your disposal and resources. It is better to consult your supervisor about your choice. Sometimes they offer a list of suggested topics. Be original. Sometimes students choose the same or similar topics. Take a different one. If you will put your enthusiasm in your work, it will be more effective, than any topic from the latest news. Dont hesitate to ask for advice from professionals in the chosen subject. Remember, the reputation of supervisor and the department is judged by the results of your paper, so they will do their best to assist you.
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