Saturday, January 25, 2020
Junction Australia Services Analysis
Junction Australia Services Analysis Junction Australia (JA) is a leading independent provider which offers community support and housing services. Their goal is to strengthen lives and communities in Australia. Key features offered at Junction Australia: Children and Youth Junction Australia has numerous programmes available to help youths in crisis, or struggling with their lives. Nexus is a programme available for 6-10 year olds who may be exhibiting harmful or negative behaviours, or are having problems in school. Nexus builds on the childs communication skills, problem solving, and social skills. They support the child at their home, school and community environment, to ensure the childs overall well-being. Parent and adolescent counselling is available for 12-18 year olds and their families. The aim is to reduce conflict in families, who are experiencing challenges. The program hopes to prevent the families from further break down, and the possibility of youth homelessness. Youth connectedness program offers group activities and one-to-one- mentoring, for all children and young people who reside with JA, under the Guardianship of the Minister. The programs aim is to improve social skills and personal development. Flexible learning outcomes support children to improve school attendance and educational outcomes throughout the Onkaparinga and Lower Fleurieu regions. Supported accommodation program assists young people and children who are homeless. One of their accommodation programmes; Junction House, support up to eight homeless youths at a time. When living at Junction House, the youths need to learn independent living skills, and engage in a form of educational pathway. This accommodation is short-term, offering a three to sixth month stay. During their stay the youths will be supported to re-connect with their communities, and arrange for a longer term home. Education House offers three secondary students or older, supported accommodation whilst they finish their studies at school, or higher education facility. The support offered involves day-to-day essentials and running a home. Next step house is a shared accommodation for three young people who have previously lived in Junction House, and are ready to live more independently. For this program to be successful, structured support is continued for day to day living. This gives the young person the greatest success of developing their abilities to live independently, and the best chance at not becoming homeless again in their future. Specialist youth homelessness programme; The Outer Southern Youth Homelessness Service (OSYHS) supports youths to transition to independent living. Young people, aged between 16 and 25 years old who are currently homeless, transient or at risk of homelessness, can be referred to OSYHS to discuss their situation with an outreach employee (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). Therapeutic Support Service Accommodation (TSS) is for children and young people who under are the Guardianship of the Minister. The houses comprise of emergency care, and short term care, through to long term and respite care. The children are given stability and individual holistic care. Families Junction Australia offers support to struggling families in South Australia through these programmes. Effective parenting program provides a parenting course targeted at support for families to develop current parenting skills, and encourage healthy, and successful family life. Whos in charge, is a program designed to support parents and family members, who are being abused by a child or adolescent in their family (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). Step Up for SA program offers a thirteen week group program were parents and adolescent come together. The program uses the Cognitive Behavioural model and Restorative Practices, to build skills in responsibility, accountability, and family safety. Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island Domestic Violence Service is an outreach program providing case management to support women and children, living with, or escaping from family and domestic violence. The program provides counselling, safety action plans, and support finding alternative accommodation. Specialist homelessness service program is situated in Southern Fleurieu Peninsula and Kangaroo Island. The Fleurieu KI Homelessness Support Services (FHSS and KIHSS) are outreach programs which provide short to medium term support, for families and individuals who are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless. Intensive tenancy support program is for families, couples or individuals living in the Onkaparinga region, living in Housing SA accommodation, who are at risk of eviction or are in crisis (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). Counselling services Sexual abuse counselling service offers support to individuals and families to cope with the impact and trauma of sexual abuse. This service also offers information on keeping children and youths safe, and referrals to other relevant programs and organisations. Parent and adolescent counselling, and effective parenting courses; as discussed earlier, are offered under the services of counsellors at Junction Australia (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). Homelessness The Outer and Inner Southern Generic Homelessness Service is a joint partnership between Lutheran Community Care and Junction Australia. It is funded by the National Affordable Housing Agreement. This program provides supported housing to people living in the outer and inner southern areas of Adelaide. Support is given through referrals to other agencies, advocacy and future housing applications and grants. Supported housing programs Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island Domestic Violence Service The Fleurieu KI Homelessness Support Services (FHSS and KIHSS) The Outer Southern Youth Homelessness Service (OSYHS) Junction House Next step Education house (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). The six programs above have all been discussed earlier in this paper. Community Participation Community Connections Hackham Centre provides programs and opportunities for residents and their families which live in the Onkaparinga area. The program offers a wide range of services from crà ¨che, playgroups, and parenting courses. From cooking, financial budgeting, to workplace advice. Kangaroo Island Community Centre is a collaborative centre which enables Junction Australia to work with other community and government agencies. It offers a varied range of support and intervention services. Volunteers are able to get involved with a diverse range of programs in the community (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). Specialist Support The exceptional needs program delivers intensive outreach support to clients with numerous high, and complex needs. Clients may have numerus diagnoses. These might include psychiatric, mental health or physical disabilities. They might also consist of alcohol and drug use, plus homelessness, or risk of homelessness. Because of the clients multifaceted needs, they may not readily be able to access conventional supports. Emergency relief program offers clients in crisis, emergency assistance with food vouchers, food parcels, and household goods. The program also helps with financial budgeting and referrals to other agencies. Hoarding and squalor services give information to assist people to navigate services and strategies when dealing with squalor (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). Housing Services Junction Womens Housing (JWH) manages 17,000 homes across South Australia. They help low to middle income families, and women escaping domestic violence. JWH aim to empower their tenants and their communities. They aim to generate safe environments, and sustainable homes, for tenants to be able to live, work and thrive in their communities. Housing options available dependent on client criteria Community housing National affordable rental scheme Supported social housing Supported tenancy scheme Housing and urban development HomeABILITY strategy (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017). Consider the clients need and difficulties. How might this client be helped by the programs offered by Junction Australia? Also which other organisations will be a good source for referrals? The client Jane is a 28 year old mother of two children; Connor a 12 year old boy, and Summer a 7 year old girl. They are currently in crisis, are homeless, and escaping from domestic violence. Both children are not coping with their environment and are exhibiting traumatised behaviour. Unfortunately Junction Australia do not offer crisis accommodation to homeless women and children. Jane and her children need an immediate referral to Bramwell House, which is maintained by the Salvation Army (Salvationarmyorgau, 2017). It offers emergency accommodation for women and children escaping domestic violence and who are homeless. This will enable the family to live in a safe environment whilst accessing programs at JA. Jane needs to be referred through the Domestic Violence Crisis Service (SA), which is a Family Relationship telephone assessment and advice referral service, funded by the South Australian government (Familyrelationshipsgovau, 2017). Once accommodation has been sourced, JA have a Specialist Support Intensive outreach program for clients with complex needs. Jane has complex needs; she has previously been addicted to the drug ice, is now struggling with alcohol use, and smokes weed for chronic pain. In the past Jane has had suicidal thoughts, and was diagnosed with depression several times. She is exhibiting signs of depression presently. This outreach program offers the right support for Janes immediate requirements. Jane and Connor would also be able to access the parent and adolescent counselling service together, and Step Up for SA, which teaches young people about the impact of their violence towards family members, in a group setting. Whos in Charge?, is a second program which aims to empower parents, provide strategies to use with their aggressive child, and reduce parental guilt. Janes daughter Summer, requires a referral to support her emotional trauma and attachment issues which she is displaying. Together 4 Kids is a child focused, individualised support program, run by Relationships Australia. The program supports young childrens mental wellbeing and development. They help children cope with transitions, homelessness, and an understanding of their experiences (Rasaorgau, 2017). Jane is the single mother of a low income family, escaping domestic violence, and is homeless with ongoing mental health issues. Based on JA criterias, Jane will be eligible for housing and support to acquire mid-term, and long-term housing through Junction Womens Housing (JWH), which is Junction Australias registered community housing provider (Junctionaustraliaorgau, 2017).
Friday, January 17, 2020
Alcoholic abuse Essay
The cause of alcohol abuse occurs when one becomes stressed, depressed, or peer pressured. Alcohol abuse is very common in today’s society. Most abusers are blinded to the fact that they are abusing. Abusers take a big risk with their lives when addicted to alcohol. Stress can lead to being an alcohol abuser; when people become stress, they tend to want an addiction to help them. Most people think alcohol is the key for relieving stress. One will want alcohol when being stress over work, family issues, and life. Work is a very stressful environment; one will feel overwhelmed, when dealing with co-workers. People need to settle their differences aside when working together. One will also become stress, when over worked to many hours. The economy today is very low; people now work more than one job, which can be very stressful. Family issues in today’s society have become a struggle in life. Everyone has family issues some have it worse, which can lead to drinking. One will become stress when arguing with a family member. One may also have a genetic gene in alcoholism. One may have grown up with an alcohol abuser. Life in general is stressful, which can lead to alcohol addiction. Most alcohol abusers start drinking little amount each day, which will lead to becoming an alcoholic. One will be stress with school, while holding a job. That will make some people very stress, and vulnerable in drinking alcohol. Depression is a very strong cause of becoming an alcoholic. People become depressed when dealing with relationships, bullying, and financial problems. Relationships will make one very depress. When one cheats on their spouse will lead people to alcohol. When one gets a divorce or splits up that will cause alcohol abusers. Bullying in today’s society has become very brutal. Most teens are being bullied, which will cause depression. Most teens being depress will cause drugs, and alcohol abuse. Being bullied can also lead to death. Financial problems are another common cause to become depress. People in today’s society have become broke, due to the economy. One may become depress by spending money on alcohol, and then one will have no money for other things. Alcohol abusers will become depress, when they have no money for more alcohol. One may become an alcohol abuser, by being peered pressured. In today’s society young teens will get addicted to alcohol. One will get peered pressure at school, parties, and wrong crowd. One may be peered pressure at school to drink alcohol. Teens today are bringing alcohol to school and skipping class and getting drunk. One may also skip school to go and drink alcohol. One may be peered pressure at parties. Most teens go to parties every weekend, and get drunk, which will make one become an alcohol abuser. Students in college in today’s society are looked as a party school. College students have phrat parties and one may become addicted to alcohol, or even worse dead. One may be hanging with the wrong crowds, which can make one have an addiction. People get influence by peers to make bad decisions. One will feel peered pressure by their friends thinking it is ok to drink. Most young teens don’t understand that drinking is dangerous. Alcohol abuse is really bad when a pregnant woman is addicted to alcohol. One may kill their unborn child, or the child can come out with medical problems. Studies have also showed that most people with ADHD will become alcohol abusers. Alcohol is a very serious addiction; one may feel like alcohol is helping them to recover. Alcohol abusers need help, before it gets too late. One needs to realize that there are better ways of coping stress, depression, peered pressure, etc. Alcohol abusers will need support with their family and friends, to overcome their addiction.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Wal-Mart Pro and Cons - 1379 Words
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (or Walmart as written in its new logo) is an American public corporation that runs a chain of large, discount department stores. It is the worlds largest public corporation by revenue, according to the 2008 Fortune Global 500.[5] Founded by Sam Walton in 1962, it was incorporated on October 31, 1969, and listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1972. It is the largest private employer in the world and the fourth largest utility or commercial employer, trailing the British National Health Service, and the Indian Railways. Wal-Mart is the largest grocery retailer in the United States, with an estimated 20% of the retail grocery and consumables business. It also owns and operates the North American company, Sams Club.†¦show more content†¦The truth is the Wal-Mart save customer’s time because people can buy their needs in one store and they do not need to move from store to store to buy their needs. Wal-Marts goal was to be a good steward for the environment and ultimately use only renewable energy sources and produce zero waste. Despite much criticism of its environmental record, Wal-Mart took a few steps in what is viewed as a positive direction, which included becoming the biggest seller of organic milk and the biggest buyer of organic cotton in the world, as well as reducing packaging and energy costs. Wal-Mart also spent nearly a year working with outside consultants to discover the companys total environmental impact and find where they could improve Wal-mart also does a lot to help the communities it builds in by supplying jobs, paying taxes, that can be used to develop small towns, and donating to charity. Wal-mart also contributes to communities by funding education awards and scholarships, child-oriented programs, and environmental causes. Others Benefit †¢ Several reasons that Wal-Mart wants to expand its business are wanting the distribution of merchandise and spreading its customer base to increase their profit. †¢ Wal-Mart will provide a new and substantial source of tax revenue for the local community †¢ Wal-Mart will provide a significant number of jobs for the residents in the area †¢ Wal-MartShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Pros and Cons of Wal-Mart1656 Words  | 7 Pagesknows, much like the post office or even city hall. Wal-Mart. That is where the oddity lies, in the fact that a retail store is just as well known as staples for towns across the nation; not to mention the fact that Wal-Mart isn’t just in the United States, but around the world. Founder of the billion dollar industry, Sam Walton, did expect success from his endeavor, but no one could have foreseen just how influential the retail store would be. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
How to Find Ideas for Political Science Research Paper
How to Find Ideas for Political Science Research Paper? Political science is one of the most complicated social disciplines for students. It deals both with political theory and practice, analysis of political behavior. In order to create well reasoned political science research paper, you need to choose subject you understand well to develop a social-oriented research at a deep level. It is more difficult to write, than an essay, because you must cover political topic and back it up with properly referenced arguments. Here are some tips concerning political science research paper ideas. First of all, try to choose a topic you are interested in. You will conduct a time-consuming research, so if you are enthusiastic about the topic, you will write and research in more effective way. Be realistic. If you have problems with approaching strangers with questionnaire, choose subject that will demand other kind of research. Avoid your weak sides. Instead, try to benefit from the strong ones. Choose the type of research that is more appropriate for you. Somebody might enjoy field researches, others prefer working in a lab. There are different projects in political science, some of them will demand statistical analysis, others will expect from you deep book research. Check the facilities your college offers. You need to count your time and resources. Choosing topic you must keep in your mind that it should be broad enough to guarantee that you have enough data and at the same time narrow enough to increase the amount of time at your disposal and resources. It is better to consult your supervisor about your choice. Sometimes they offer a list of suggested topics. Be original. Sometimes students choose the same or similar topics. Take a different one. If you will put your enthusiasm in your work, it will be more effective, than any topic from the latest news. Dont hesitate to ask for advice from professionals in the chosen subject. Remember, the reputation of supervisor and the department is judged by the results of your paper, so they will do their best to assist you.
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